General Feedback
This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.
If you reached this site wanting to report problem behavior or harassment by another member, please submit a Behavior Complaint Form.
103 results found
Link event tickets to a salesforce revenue campaign as they are purchased
The fundraising team would love it if there was a way to link event ticket purchases to a specific campaign as they came in so we can track revenue and ensure it is assigned to a specific fundraising effort and communicate with accounting if it needs to be assigned to a specific funding need. This would be similar to how we set up donation pages to assign to a specific campaign.
7 votes -
Add profile link to roster
There is a companion issue that made names clickable in the roster on the website:
Here, I would like a column added to the CSV roster export with the link to someone's profile. There's currently a column for whether the profile is private or not, but no column with the actual profile link.
This would serve the same purpose as the clickable name. In Excel, it will detect that these are links and make them clickable. That makes it easier for me to navigate to someone's profile.
3 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. This request is technically possible and will be considered for prioritization if 1) it gains additional following or 2) can easily be added to a prioritized roster change request. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Add the option to have hosts notified by e-mail when people register for a lodge stay
I would like the ability for hosts to elect to receive E-mails when a new person registers or cancels a lodge stay.
2 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. This request is technically possible and will be considered for prioritization if 1) it gains additional following or 2) can easily be added to a prioritized roster change request. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Pop-up/dialogue reminder to check information when re-submitting youth forms
When youth forms expire and are in need of renewal, all guardians have to do is re-save information in order for the form to be current for the next 365 days. For program participants who have been a part of programming for a year or two, and might have changing medical, dietary, or transportation needs, this means that information is often outdated when shared with program managers and staff. (For example, a participant who was 6 when the forms were filled out may have new diagnoses or updated dietary preferences when they are 12 that have not been reported out…
3 votes -
Add Address Verification Service
What: Consider adding an address checker to the website to help manage number of bad addresses (incorrect unit, missing zip code, etc). This tool could help us verify/correct postal addresses.
Why: Potentially important for decreasing amount of mail that is marked undeliverable and returned to the PC3 votesThis idea is moving to priority as we plan on testing out a new way to manage addresses within Salesforce to hopefully clean up addresses.
Seminars and Course Activities Will Not Stay Private
Seminars and other course activities (lecture and field trips) will not stay private. They are continuously "self publishing" a few minutes after being withdrawn. Repeated withdrawals do not help - the seminar or course activity will self-publish ad infinitum. This causes seminars and other course activities to become publicly visible while they are still being developed and reviewed. Sometimes committee reviews - the review/discuss/edit/repeat cycle - can take a few weeks, so having those half-done seminars and courses live on the website is a problem.
This seems to be a new website bug for 2021? I don't remember seeing it…
6 votesThis idea is moving to priority. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Export feature for My Activities and My Courses and Programs lists
Add export features (to CSV or Excel) to enable members to easily export lists of Activities and Courses (historical and active/posted in the future). It could be similar to rosters Export option.
6 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Carbon Offsets for Travel to Mountaineers Trips During Participant Registration Process
This feedback is to request that IT work the conservation and development teams to make changes to The Mountaineers website and sign-up/check-out process for all Mountaineers trips to allow registrants the option to partially offset their transportation-related carbon associated their travel by donating to a Mountaineers Carbon Footprint Reduction campaign. In addition to the donation ask, we would also like to allow registrants to share if they plan to carpool or if they will use an electric vehicle to travel to the activity. We understand this would take time, resources, and have implications for existing fundraising efforts. Thank you for…
2 votes -
Activity Registration Confirmation Email Change for Carbon Footprint Reduction ~Salesforce
Per conversations with Jeff and Amber, I'm submitting feedback requesting tweaks to the confirmation email registrants receive after signing up for Mountaineers trips. The conservation and development teams would like to give registrants the option to partially offset their transportation-related carbon associated with each Mountaineers trip by donating to a Mountaineers Carbon Footprint Reduction campaign. We understand that prompting for this donation in the existing registration confirmation email would be an initial way to achieve this. Funds raised from this campaign would go toward energy reduction/net-zero projects at the Seattle Program Center and other efforts to reduce the carbon footprint…
1 voteThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Provide Activity Feedback from participants/students to Asst. & Co- Leaders
After an activity participants are asked to provide feedback. This feedback loop is an important component of leadership development and allows leaders to learn how their approach is being received. However, Asst and Co-Leaders do not have access to this information and miss out on a valuable learning opportunity. For some, especially less experienced Asst Leaders, they may be tempted to emulate behavior they saw from a leader without the knowledge of how that was received by participants. In addition there may be comments, good or bad, about the Asst/Co- Leaders. Seems like not automatically sharing this with the entire…
3 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Allow trip leaders to require additional skill/course badges per trip
Currently, the trip templates set the course or skill badges required for participants (or other leaders) to sign-up for trips. The problem is that these only specify the minimum set that could apply to that template.
I would like, as a trip leader, the ability to require specific badges on a per-trip basis.
To get concrete with an example: the Winter Scrambling template requires only that a participant be a graduate of the Scrambling or Climbing courses. However, the standards state that "leaders may require additional prerequisites on Winter Scramble trips". A common prerequisite a leader might wish to add…
5 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Data request: How many people did we get outside?
submitting my formal data request to build a report to answer the question “how many people did we get outside?”
2 votes -
Aggregate Lecture and Field Trip Feedback under Course
Courses are usually made of separate lecture and field trip activities to which students can provide feedback. To review all the feedback for the course , a person has to open all the activities. It would be nice to aggregate all of this feedback under the course and maybe course temple with which they are associated.
3 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Phone Number Validation
I noticed in one of my activities that a member put their e-mail in the phone number field. This should not be allowed. Phone numbers should require validation to ensure that they satisfy the expected format.
3 votesThis item is moving to In-Progress and will be worked on in the next few weeks!
Please note, we will not be able to do as thorough validation on the emergency phone number as we are changing the intended use of that field to contain multiple phone numbers so users can easily provide multiple emergency contacts.
It's hard enough dealing with the instructors and other participants that can not or will not read and understand the posting of an activity, course, field trip, ANYTHING let alone dealing with someone that registers without getting permission to do so. What is the point of having a check box or radio button if there is no functionality behind it?
8 votes -
View PDF files stored on the website in the browser
Allow PDF (and other browser viewable files) to be viewed in the browser.
The Seattle Sea Kayaking Committee is storing minutes as PDF documents. When you click on the file name (blue) what happens depends on the browser you are using. Some browsers (Firefox) allows the user to choose to download or view in a browser window. Other browsers (Safari and Chrome on Mac) always download the file.
If I just want to view the file, having it downloaded to my computer is inconvenient. Now I must navigate to the downloaded file, open it, and later decide if I want…
4 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Add Pronoun Field to Rosters
We not only want people to be comfortable being themselves, but also to be celebrated for their identities and what makes them unique. In addition, we try to build a culture where we don’t make assumptions or pass judgment on each other. So if a person chooses to tell you their pronouns (in their profile or otherwise), they are simply letting you know how you can refer to them, without you having to make any assumptions.
Part 1 - Add pronoun field to profile edit form and profile display.
Part 2 - Add pronoun field to roster displays and downloads.
11 votesThis idea is moving to priority. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Additional Roles for Course Rosters
For Course rosters people can be associated with one of a hard-coded list of roles and can be advertised as a public contact for the course in that role. We are proposing that the list of roles be extended to better support current common practices. Specifically, we propose adding the following roles:
Assistant Leader
Content ManagerThe Co-leader and Assistant Leader roles are self explanatory. Larger courses may want to show multiple leaders as public contacts but still be able to identify a single person as the primary leader.
The Content Manager is the person who manages registration and…
5 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Satellite communicator contact information
It would be useful to have satellite communicator addresses on the roster along with contact information. This could be voluntarily entered on the member page, not publicly visible, just of use by the roster, similar to the emergency contact.
The reasoning: Unless replying to a message, a person's Garmin InReach can only be contacted directly using this InReach address. However, these are seldom shared among party members. The ability to directly contact a party member via satellite is a powerful tool in an emergency. Separated party members could communicate with each other. Overdue parties might be contacted. Additional contact would…
3 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Allow Rich Text Editing When Sending Email from the Website SD345
When sending email from the website, allow the use of simple rich text formatting (bold, italic, hyperlinks, etc.) and adding attachments when sending email from a roster or the carpool features on our website.
4 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. This request is technically possible and will be considered for prioritization if 1) it gains additional following or 2) can easily be added to a prioritized email change request. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
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