General Feedback
This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.
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12 results found
Allow Course Leaders/Admins to Edit Participant's Registration Datetime
Today, Leaders can edit the registration datetime for their Activities. This allows them to manage the waitlist order by changing the dates as needed. This idea is to allow the same functionality for Courses.
Added by Devin for Annora Ayer
2 votes -
Enable two committees (hiking and uran walks as an example) to jointly sponsor or offer a course, seminar, clinic or activity.
Enable the option of having multiple committees able to offer a course, seminar, clinic, event or activity. It would involve being able to use a template that includes both committees collaborating on a joint offering.
4 votes -
Call-out when a Course Roster change was after registration in notifications
Currently, the course registration open and close dates are only stored on the website and not in Salesforce. This means we are unable to use this information to inform leaders/coleaders when an activity roster change happened AFTER registration closes.
If we stored this in Salesforce, we would be able to change the email notification to make this clearer to leaders.
3 votes -
Improve Functionality for Overlapping Enrollment Badges
Today, enrollment badges work as follows:
- When someone is added to a course with an "enrollment" badge - they are added to that badge's roster and the expiration date is set based on that course.
- If a student is added to a course with an enrollment badge that they already have - the badge's expiration date is updated to reflect whatever the newest course's expiration date is.
- Once a student completes a course, the enrollment badge is removed. It does not matter what course originally created the badge and/or what the expiration date.
It is uncommon for courses to share…
1 voteGiven it only impacts a few courses, this is not a high priority. However, if this is something we can easily accomplish or can be tied to another piece of work that is prioritized, it would be great to have this changed.
Generate iCal calendar for any course activities, regardless of participation status
I often have to manually transcribe the multiple events from a course into my personal google calendar. This is error prone and time consuming, and I bet most people do this.
It would be awesome if the "course requirements" section of a course page that shows all the events would also contain a link to the iCal of that course so I can add all the events to my personal google calendar with a single click.
This would be useful to do with any course, not just the ones I am signed up with:
- for the courses I want…13 votes -
Course-Activity Late Cancellation Management
We have noticed that students are able to cancel from course-related activities after registration has closed. Some volunteers have requested a website improvement that would either prevent cancellations after registration date is closed, or better allow volunteers to manage this process. No-shows and late-cancellations have a big impact on volunteers' ability to successfully run programs.
Our tech team identified that the ability to cancel after registration closes is not a glitch, but rather, has always been the way the website has operated. Currently roster email notifications can be used to manage when students cancel from an activity roster, but this…
10 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Display co-requisite badge status on course roster
As a course administrator, it becomes difficult to manage and check on every individual's requirements to be met for the graduation needs of the respective course. When courses require co-requisite badges in order to graduate, display the course roster with additional columns stating when the respective badge was awarded to an individual for each co-requisite badge. This will immensely improve the process for course administrators to check on verifying individuals' records before graduating them. Also, providing a great tracking tool to follow up on individuals needing more help with courses and such.
6 votesThis idea is related to a new Course Management Tool we are piloting this Winter. The tool would allow course leaders the ability to see co-requisite badge status along with the status of lectures, field trips, and non-course activities. Upon completion of a successful pilot, this tool will be rolled out to additional courses with priority given to larger/complex courses.
Seminars and Course Activities Will Not Stay Private
Seminars and other course activities (lecture and field trips) will not stay private. They are continuously "self publishing" a few minutes after being withdrawn. Repeated withdrawals do not help - the seminar or course activity will self-publish ad infinitum. This causes seminars and other course activities to become publicly visible while they are still being developed and reviewed. Sometimes committee reviews - the review/discuss/edit/repeat cycle - can take a few weeks, so having those half-done seminars and courses live on the website is a problem.
This seems to be a new website bug for 2021? I don't remember seeing it…
6 votesThis idea is moving to priority. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Add "Applied" as a Registration Status Option
Add a status that the course leader could assign when they manually add an applicant to the roster, before they have been accepted or declined. eg. the Basic Climbing Course roster would have 300 applicants that were manually entered by the leaders. (this has the problems of communicating to applicants to create a guest account and probably too much admin burden for leaders). As students are accepted, they are moved to "offered" at which point they can pay for the course. All who aren't accepted simply remain on the "applied" roster. This would allow a quick report for following years…
6 votesHello All -
We are gathering information from members and volunteers that will help us with a few of our Feedback ideas, including this one! If interested, please take this 1-3 min survey to help us gather more member input to help prioritize and craft future improvements!
Course activity review tool for courses with 2-3 activities SD664
Include some bulk review and update tools for courses where we only 2-3 required activities. For courses like WFA, Navigation or Basic Snowshoeing with just a couple required field trips/lectures make a roster preview and download that allows you see that a student is registered for all required activities and then their participant result and probably participant notes. This is probably exception report for a course roster compared to 1-3 activity template roster (on screen and download).
For more involved courses we are hoping to build a mega download of all activities for students involved in that course. See listing…
7 votes -
Add Ability to Exclude Instructors from Getting Registration Conflict Check for a Course Activity SD667
Make it so instructors can be excluded from conflict checking but not participants. For example for pool play sessions for sea kayaking course we need instructors for afternoon and morning sessions but students we only want to be able to sign up for one session.
15 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Identify activities, courses, and events restricted to a SIG/Branch
Let climb leads be able to hide climbs from the public until they are done getting members from their SIG or branch.
As a basic student its time consuming to see climbs just to sign up or email the climb leader and find out its only for a specific group of people and that I can't be on the climb.
7 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
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