General Feedback
This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.
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103 results found
Make Activity Template's Activity Type a Multiselect
Right now we have a number of leadership clinics which we are having a hard time reporting on since they are categorized by activity type when really we want them tagged as both the activity like Sea Kayaking AND outdoor leadership
3 votes -
Add Additional Price/Age Options for Lodge Stays SD666
Add additional age groups for different lodge pricing. Some lodges allow younger members others don't and Meany previously had toddler pricing.
1 voteThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Connect Senior Household Memberships
Add functionality to connect Senior households memberships where both people in the household can switch between accounts, just like Family accounts.
2 votes -
Improve Lodge Stay Cancellation Process - Part 2
As a volunteer admin on an outdoor center committee, allow me to cancel one or more lodge stays for our lodge, so that members and guests will know that it has been canceled (on the website), that those who registered will be notified of the cancellation, and so that staff can issue refunds to those who registered and paid.
The automation for this involve adding a button or link to lodges stays (or lodge stay rosters) so that when canceled (and confirmed with a popup yes/no-style check) that the state of the lodge stay(s) is/are set to "canceled" and all…
8 votes -
Organizations, Online Invoicing & Contracts SD562++
Set up organization in our website so that we can sync them to the existing organizations in SF. This will allow us to connect contacts, activities & courses (Mountain Workshops), events (Program Center Clients) and lodge stays (Outdoor Center Groups & Clients) to them for better tracking. We'll be able to add invoices that the organization contact can pay online, taking advantage of our existing online payment process and Salesforce reporting.
14 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Add Ability to Exclude Instructors from Getting Registration Conflict Check for a Course Activity SD667
Make it so instructors can be excluded from conflict checking but not participants. For example for pool play sessions for sea kayaking course we need instructors for afternoon and morning sessions but students we only want to be able to sign up for one session.
15 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Allow Leaders to Choose Activity Template or Route/Place Image for Activities SD641
When scheduling an activity, allow the leader to choose to use one of the the route/place images, the activity template image, or an image from their local computer.
Currently when scheduling a trip (standalone) activity, the one form the route/place is the default and the leader may choose to replace that with one from their computer. For course activities, the default image is from the activity template, and the leader may choose to replace that with one from their computer.
Many of our Routes & Places have an "Images" folder where we store images submitted by our members and…
6 votesHello All!
I wanted to reach out to see what the missing need here is for changing images on activities/courses. I realize this idea is from 2017 so it is very possible that this need has been met already and I just need to update this idea. The website today allows you to change the image of an activity or course from the template/route. For activities, the image can be changed by selecting a picture from your computer under 'Summary'. For courses, a similar option is underneath registration dates. You could then change the image to represent a specific season/boat/etc.
If it is of interest, we could also work together to add additional images/details about each skipper's boat on a separate page.
Lodge-specific Sign-in Sheets (aka Print Rosters) SD648/649/650
For a two-night stay, what we have may be enough, but for longer stays a matrix-style sign-in sheet might be better. Or it may be better if we have a different printable sign-in sheet for each lodge.
13 votes -
Use "Age Group" Radio Buttons Instead of "Age" for Lodge Reservations SD637
Is it better to use radio buttons for the age groups [i.e. one for Adults (age 14+) and another for Youth (age 13-)] when reserving a lodge stay than asking for actual age? What are the pros and cons?
Using radio buttons is better when one person is making a lodge reservation for another and does not know their age. I suspect with will happen a lot, especially for lodge admins who add hosts and other volunteers, as well as people who might bring a friend.
10 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Add a donation thermometer to our donation pages to track progress SD514
Make it so our individual youth, conservation and peer to peer campaigns have front pages with a thermometer widgit that shows the campaigns progress.
9 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Photo Captions and Credit for Images
Give authors photo credit and add captions to image son our website. Just small text underneath the photo for a brief caption and photographer credit.
16 votesHello All -
I wanted to provide an update on this item! Since this idea was set to 'in-progress' we have been able to fulfill the following:
- Images used in blogs have a caption on them that provides credit to the photographer.
- Images used within the body of web pages are able to give photographers credit through the use of alt text when you hover over the image.
What we are still missing is the ability to give credit for images used in routes/places and on some landing pages. This task ended up being larger than expected and was unable to be completed during the most recent development window. We are changing the status of this idea to 'Priority' instead of 'Complete' so that we can schedule this outstanding step in the future.
Allow Members on Waitlist to sign up for Additional Outings
The system currently does not allow members to sign up for more than one outing. If you are on a waitlist, particularly if you are third or more on that list, I think the system should allow you to also sign up for another trip as backup. It seems unfair to force members to give up a potential spot on their preferred trip only to confirm on less preferred trip simply because of the system. Thank you.
28 votesHello All -
We are gathering information from volunteers that will help us with a few of our Feedback ideas, including this one! If interested, please take this 1-3 min survey to help us gather more member input to help prioritize and craft future improvements!
Develop functionality for Activity Programs and Outings/Combos SD154/GH1639
This is functionality would be much like what we have for courses and would be for activity programs like Explorers and Venturing Crew, activity outings like Yosemite Climbing and "combo" activities like Hike & Stewardship and Cathedral Rock & Mount Daniel. We need to be able to group a few activities (and maybe a couple lodge stays) under one "umbrella" Outing and use a "manage registration" style feature to register for them and the Outing as a whole like we do for courses.
30 votesThis idea is moving to priority. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Identify activities, courses, and events restricted to a SIG/Branch
Let climb leads be able to hide climbs from the public until they are done getting members from their SIG or branch.
As a basic student its time consuming to see climbs just to sign up or email the climb leader and find out its only for a specific group of people and that I can't be on the climb.
7 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Weekend Activities Filter SD502/503
Add a filter to the activities search so you can find weekend events only.
17 votesHello All -
This item is being moved to in-progress and will be worked on over the next few months as part of our monthly support plan. Once complete, a user will be able to filter activities based on the days of the week. This will accommodate those who want to know weekend events or someone who has a week day that they are most commonly free. Please note, this will not take into account the time of day the activity is, only the day.
Ability to see 'what trips i have done with this person'
It would be great if I could look up a person, and see the trips i've done with them in the past, along with their badges. So many times, we end up playing the 'i've been out with you somewhere. were you on my Norse Peak trip? no? may be on Snoqualmie last year then?' :)
33 votesHello All - While there is no change in status for this idea, I wanted provide a progress update on this highly voted for idea and where we are at in evaluating our options. While we understand the value in having this functionality built into the website's user interface when looking at another member's profile, this would be a significant development effort which has made it difficult to prioritize. In the meantime, we are exploring alternative ways that members could still answer the question "What trips i have done with this person?".
Add Message Board/Forum Capability
Would be great to have a space where leaders could put up an activity idea and find out if other leaders might be interested in joining up for key swaps, car camps, etc. Leaders could ask for anyone's recent experience with a particular trail or trailhead. On the same space, members could put up a trip that they'd like to do and see if they can interest a leader in doing it; barring that, to find other members who might like to do it privately.
Originally titled: Message board for leaders and members wanting to coordinate an activity
Other uses…
27 votesHello All -
We are gathering information from members and volunteers that will help us with a few of our top priority ideas, including this one! If interested, please take this 1-3 min survey to help us gather more member input to help prioritize and craft future improvements!
Create More Robust Safety Committee Data Analysis SD52/465/466
Currently, participants submit incident reports to the Safety Committee, which then compiles the data and looks for trends in the aggregate (it does a lot more than that as well, but this aspect of its work is onerous). If we connected incident reporting with routes/places and even illustrated on a map, committees could analyze trends and information much more rapidly and wouldn't have to wait for Safety Committee reports. Safety Committee efforts could then be more available for training and prevention work now that the data crunching burden has been reduced. Members and Leaders could then have information about incident…
11 votesThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Make it possible for website to process multiple payments for trips like Global Adventures and Youth Programs
Make it possible for deposits to be taken and then remaining balance paid through the website.
User Story: As a parent registering my child for a youth program, allow me to choose to pay the full amount, or automatically pay in equal monthly installments from this month through the last month of the program with a credit card so that staff need not keep credit card info on file (security risk) and process these cards manually every month.
Note: Though specifically requested for our youth programs, this payment system could be used for any program of sufficient length and cost.
5 votesThis idea is moving to priority. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Tailor receipt (thank you) page messages to items purchased SD344
Add six rich text fields to the Thank You page for each of these item types: membership, course, activity, book, merchandise, donation. Each field would be displayed if the shopping cart contains and item of its type.
1 voteThis idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
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