Integrate Fuzzy Logic to Text Search GH2837
As a site visitor give when I submit a search with text search terms, give me search results that are "fuzzy" so that I get a better and more comprehensive list of items that meet my search criteria.
By "fuzzy" we're thinking of things like singular vs. plural (e.g. leader vs. leaders) and first names (e.g. Ben vs. Benjamin).

Site search has been improved as part of Tech Update 4.5. The blog with the details of this update can be found here:
Please note, search will always be a work in progress but we hope that the updates made in 4.5 assist with searches for now as we continue to work to improve our search capabilities.
Travis Prescott commented
The current search results don't make sense. If I search for "Travis Prescot" the first result should be an exact match. If that's not found, it should be the next "closest" match, in this case "Travis Prescott". Instead here's the list it outputs:
Travis Sharpe
Travis Ruff
Jace Travis
Travis Seigal
Travis Leach
Travis Harden
Travis Prescott
etc...It's frustrating because I often use search to find people by prefix "Danielle G" or with a minor typo, and then the search results are frustrating because I have to go scrolling down through multiple irrelevant results to hopefully find a useful one.
If there's a quick fix for this, it would be a fantastic quality-of-life improvement!