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This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.

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Please note that all our courses, events, trips, course-related activities, clinics, seminars, and lodge stays have forms for you to give feedback when you participate. You’ll get an email reminder to do so just after the activity. If your feedback is of urgent nature it may be best to contact the chair of the committee that sponsors that program directly. Not sure who the chair is? Visit our Committee Chair Directory or contact our Member Services Team at

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103 results found

  1. Generate iCal calendar for any course activities, regardless of participation status

    I often have to manually transcribe the multiple events from a course into my personal google calendar. This is error prone and time consuming, and I bet most people do this.

    It would be awesome if the "course requirements" section of a course page that shows all the events would also contain a link to the iCal of that course so I can add all the events to my personal google calendar with a single click.

    This would be useful to do with any course, not just the ones I am signed up with:
    - for the courses I want…

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  2. Delayed Send for Auto Email for Activities/Events

    I like to hold off on sending emails until the 1-2 days before and the registration has been closed. These emails include things like my personal number, weather conditions, and overall serve as a reminder. Most people find accessing an email from a phone easier than accessing it from the website (and I don't want to include my phone number on postings).

    Sometimes the ideal time to send an email conflicts with other activities (ie I might be leading a conditioning hike or doing a race the night before a morning run). To get around this, I will sometimes send…

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  3. Change Author Contributor Types to Match Onyx

    The contributor types that the website can accept and that Onyx accepts differ. This requires the team to select a certain role to sync to Onyx and then change it to sync to the website. The reason they are different is so that the website contributors reads "Photography by __" vs. "Photographer __'. If we can separate the way that Acumen syncs with the website from what is presented on the web page we should be able to use the roles Onyx requires.

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  4. Customizing Branch-Specific Blog Ribbons

    Create a feature that allows branches to have more customization privileges over their branch-specific blog ribbon. Often, staff-created blogs will receive the "All Branches" tag, and a branch's specific blog (like an upcoming branch event) will get buried beneath other org update blogs (and in some cases, entirely removed from the branch blog ribbon due to the amount of newer content).

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  5. Allow users to add items to Promo Codes based on product/activity characteristics

    Currently, items that are on promotion can only be added per product. For large promotions, this is very tedious as it requires users to add products one by one. If we could add a category of products to a promotion, this would save significant amounts of time. Example - Add All Green Trail Maps to a promotion.

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  6. People Search

    This was spawned off from an existing thread:

    It was clear that "fuzzy search" as implemented there did not translate into a good people search experience.


    Currently, the only way to search for members (contacts) is through the sitewide search mechanism. While we have dedicated search pages for "Find Activities", "Find Routes & Places" and "Find Courses, Clinics & Seminars", we have no such dedicated page for finding members. Your options are to either find them on some roster you have access to or to rely on the sitewide search.

    The problem is that the general sitewide search…

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  7. Book Purchase - Customize Confirmation Email

    Right now, the order confirmation sequence to purchasing books is as follows:

    1. Customer gets one immediately from Plone/Website/Saleforce that is generic and not book specific.
    2. Acumen sends an email automatically and sends an update.
    3. Acumen then sends out an order with the tracking number.

    Ideally step #1 could be more specific to books if they purchased a book vs. programs.

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  8. Difficulty Label Changes

    The long-form of this proposal with better formatting and screenshots is here:

    This is a copy-paste and loses formatting:


    All trips posted have a “Difficulty” rating and a “Leader Rating” value, but trip listings only display the Difficulty rating. Sometimes the difficulty of a trip is indicated by the combination of the difficulty field and the trip template. For example, an Intermediate Snowshoe is posted using an “Intermediate Snowshoe” template and will have a difficulty label to indicate how strenuous the trip is expected to be. Other activities, such as Cross-Country Skiing, indicate the trip difficulty solely…

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  9. Exportable PDF Feedback Reports


    I have the ability to see my feedback history. As a committee admin I have the ability to see a portion of the feedback history for anyone who has led a trip for my committee. I cannot see the feedback history for someone who has led trips for some other committee.


    As a Leadership Chair for various committees (current and past) I review leadership applications. Often these prospective leaders are already leaders for another branch and/or committee. As part of the feedback gathering process, it is important for me as the Leadership Chair to gather as much…

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  10. Provide a way to tell if leader has unread feedback

    Currently, there is no indication if a participant has submitted feedback after a leader has viewed the feedback. Personally, I check for feedback a few days after the activity, and if someone adds feedback after that I probably won’t ever see it.

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  11. Add a menu option for "My Committees"

    Currently users can get to their committee pages by going to "My Profile" and clicking on the appropriate link. This works fine for experienced website users. The logical place to look for your committees is through the "My Branch" page, but this is tedious and requires scrolling through all the committees and subgroups in the branch. Please add a menu option for "My Committees" that will take all users directly to a list of their committees (or even to the section of their profile with the links).

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  12. Course-Activity Late Cancellation Management

    We have noticed that students are able to cancel from course-related activities after registration has closed. Some volunteers have requested a website improvement that would either prevent cancellations after registration date is closed, or better allow volunteers to manage this process. No-shows and late-cancellations have a big impact on volunteers' ability to successfully run programs.

    Our tech team identified that the ability to cancel after registration closes is not a glitch, but rather, has always been the way the website has operated. Currently roster email notifications can be used to manage when students cancel from an activity roster, but this…

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  13. Stop stripping line breaks from Leader Permission request comments section

    Most people (myself included) when entering information for the leader in the permission request comment box, make an effort to format it as cleanly as possible with line breaks to organize provided information.

    However, the code appears to strip all these line breaks from the text and drop a super messy blob of text in the request email that comes to leaders. This makes the leader's job unnecessarily harder because we have to mentally parse the blob back into the requester's intended presentation.

    Could we please stop stripping the line breaks and preserve the intended format?

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  14. demographics updates

    I noticed that my demographic in my member profile had the wrong age group (unfortunately I continue to age). I only noticed it because I've been doing website testing today. Maybe there can be a prompt (or even a forcing function) for members to review their entire profile including preferences and demographics annually, as I'm sure other things change for members as well (marital status, activity interests, student status, etc). Maybe a button to go along with the waiver that forces them to scroll through their profile and select "I have reviewed and updated my profile" or something like that.

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  15. Add "Submit Incident Report" to Lodge stays

    Add incident reporting button to lodge stays. Lodges have their own inherent dangers, like falling out of bunks, falling down stairs, sliding down hills out of control, or having a bench fall over on someone's foot while she vacuums.

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  16. Limit use of low contrast fonts

    I have a big, but I think important ask. My vision is not crisp, in fact worse than that. In order to read text, I require fairly high contrast. When light grey font is used, it is a blur, even when enlarged, to me and others with less than acute, young eyes. The Mountaineers Templates use quite a lot of light grey font and it is not editable. When doing web design for the Mountaineers, could you please consider making it a point to use black font on light backgrounds or white on dark backgrounds so that we all can…

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  17. Remove volunteer ages from Committee Meeting rosters

    A few months ago the ages of volunteers started showing up in the rosters for committee meetings (see screenshot). I'm guessing this may have been added to support youth, but most adults consider their age to be private information.

    Event rosters are viewable by anyone who has admin access, and it's common for many committee members to have admin access for various reasons. For this reason, committee rosters are basically public to the committee. Publishing everyone's ages does not seem appropriate.

    This does not seem to be a problem specific to committee meetings. Most adults do not want the age…

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  18. Easier to see instructor opportunities: Combine instructor opportunities and add them as a filter with all other activities

    Make it easy to see instructor opportunities for courses and clinics by showing them directly in the 'find activities' page. Today, when one selects 'find activities' they see 18 types of activities including hiking, scrambling, sea kayaking. But to see course instructor opportunities one has to click on 'volunteer' --> 'volunteer with us' --> scroll halfway down to click on 'find instructor opportunities'.

    As a volunteer-led organization, it's important to make finding instructors as low-friction as possible and putting 'instructor opportunities' in the same page with all the other activities will go a long way in giving our members that…

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  19. Display co-requisite badge status on course roster

    As a course administrator, it becomes difficult to manage and check on every individual's requirements to be met for the graduation needs of the respective course. When courses require co-requisite badges in order to graduate, display the course roster with additional columns stating when the respective badge was awarded to an individual for each co-requisite badge. This will immensely improve the process for course administrators to check on verifying individuals' records before graduating them. Also, providing a great tracking tool to follow up on individuals needing more help with courses and such.

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    This idea is related to a new Course Management Tool we are piloting this Winter. The tool would allow course leaders the ability to see co-requisite badge status along with the status of lectures, field trips, and non-course activities. Upon completion of a successful pilot, this tool will be rolled out to additional courses with priority given to larger/complex courses.

  20. Installment Payment System for Donations

    While we have monthly donations, we would like to request a payment installments specifically for donations that would have a start and end date that can be broken out by month or by quarter or any schedule identified by the donor. It may be similar to the proposal put forward for courses, however, will be different because this payment schedule would specific for an individual rather than a product.

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