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16 results found

  1. Allow leaders to set a later opening date for instructor/assistant sign up

    Allow activity leaders to set a later opening date for instructor/assistant leader sign up for an activity. Right now, you can only set a registration date for participants. Instructor opening date is automatically open as soon as the activity is on the website. This allows instructors/assistant leaders to sign up for activities potentially before the leader is ready for sign ups -- for instance, while a course is in the unpublished status, or when an activity is a backup date that the leader might not want to fill until the originally scheduled date is canceled. It would be better in…

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  2. Allow setting start and end times, not just dates

    Currently, when an activity is created, you can put either one or multiple days, but cannot select the times. This is fine for hikes, which can have the date and time listed in the notes, but for meetings at the Program Center or other course activities that have multiple activities in one day, it would be beneficial to be able to set the timing for the activity as well.

    This could possibly also solve the problem of someone being unable to join a short hike in the morning of the same day that they have a zoom meeting at 7pm…

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  3. Filter activities based on single vs. multiple day activities (camping, overnights, etc.)

    Today, users have the ability to search courses, seminars, and clinics based on if they are a single day or multiple day experience. The ask is to have a similar filter for activities.

    • Submitted for KD
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  4. Add more details to Activity/Course alert emails

    When a new activity alert is sent, it would be good to include more details such as summary, leader notes and description. There are many trips that are for a specific audience and it becomes tiring to click on all the trips and get disappointed to not find a trip to register for. Even if we can add a summary to them (as we now see in the find activities page on the website), we at the committee level can ensure the leaders and important info in the summary, especially if the trip is restricted to a specific audience.

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  5. Move Link to Request Leadership Permission Above Checkbox

    When an activity has Leadership Permission Required, the link to the application is at the end of the checkbox. The ask is to move this link to above the checkbox (or at least the first think in the statement) to make it clearer to students where the application link is.

    Submitted by KD.

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  6. Semi-commercial glacier /basic climbs

    It is very hard to sign up for glacier climbs or basic climbs unless you are a student. There is a huge waiting list for those non-students and it is hard to track. Then it is hard to plan ahead if suddenly you are being moved from waiting list. I propose to create structure where there will be opportunity for paying extra but it will be for members who graduated from basic or have skills but don’t have time to track various waiting lists and just want to climb. I found zero climbs for non-students. I would gladly pay to…

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  7. Delayed Send for Auto Email for Activities/Events

    I like to hold off on sending emails until the 1-2 days before and the registration has been closed. These emails include things like my personal number, weather conditions, and overall serve as a reminder. Most people find accessing an email from a phone easier than accessing it from the website (and I don't want to include my phone number on postings).

    Sometimes the ideal time to send an email conflicts with other activities (ie I might be leading a conditioning hike or doing a race the night before a morning run). To get around this, I will sometimes send…

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  8. Difficulty Label Changes

    The long-form of this proposal with better formatting and screenshots is here:

    This is a copy-paste and loses formatting:


    All trips posted have a “Difficulty” rating and a “Leader Rating” value, but trip listings only display the Difficulty rating. Sometimes the difficulty of a trip is indicated by the combination of the difficulty field and the trip template. For example, an Intermediate Snowshoe is posted using an “Intermediate Snowshoe” template and will have a difficulty label to indicate how strenuous the trip is expected to be. Other activities, such as Cross-Country Skiing, indicate the trip difficulty solely…

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  9. Stop stripping line breaks from Leader Permission request comments section

    Most people (myself included) when entering information for the leader in the permission request comment box, make an effort to format it as cleanly as possible with line breaks to organize provided information.

    However, the code appears to strip all these line breaks from the text and drop a super messy blob of text in the request email that comes to leaders. This makes the leader's job unnecessarily harder because we have to mentally parse the blob back into the requester's intended presentation.

    Could we please stop stripping the line breaks and preserve the intended format?

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  10. Allow trip leaders to require additional skill/course badges per trip

    Currently, the trip templates set the course or skill badges required for participants (or other leaders) to sign-up for trips. The problem is that these only specify the minimum set that could apply to that template.

    I would like, as a trip leader, the ability to require specific badges on a per-trip basis.

    To get concrete with an example: the Winter Scrambling template requires only that a participant be a graduate of the Scrambling or Climbing courses. However, the standards state that "leaders may require additional prerequisites on Winter Scramble trips". A common prerequisite a leader might wish to add…

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  11. Show past activities on a route

    When looking at a route, you can see future activities as well as trip reports. I'd like to see a list of past activities, along with their completion status and leader name (whether they posted a trip report or not).
    This would make it easier to contact past trip leaders to ask them about conditions, etc. as well as to get a sense of when people typically use the route.


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  12. Make Activity Template's Activity Type a Multiselect

    Right now we have a number of leadership clinics which we are having a hard time reporting on since they are categorized by activity type when really we want them tagged as both the activity like Sea Kayaking AND outdoor leadership

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  13. Allow Leaders to Choose Activity Template or Route/Place Image for Activities SD641

    When scheduling an activity, allow the leader to choose to use one of the the route/place images, the activity template image, or an image from their local computer.


    • Currently when scheduling a trip (standalone) activity, the one form the route/place is the default and the leader may choose to replace that with one from their computer. For course activities, the default image is from the activity template, and the leader may choose to replace that with one from their computer.

    • Many of our Routes & Places have an "Images" folder where we store images submitted by our members and…

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    Hello All!

    I wanted to reach out to see what the missing need here is for changing images on activities/courses. I realize this idea is from 2017 so it is very possible that this need has been met already and I just need to update this idea. The website today allows you to change the image of an activity or course from the template/route. For activities, the image can be changed by selecting a picture from your computer under 'Summary'. For courses, a similar option is underneath registration dates. You could then change the image to represent a specific season/boat/etc.

    If it is of interest, we could also work together to add additional images/details about each skipper's boat on a separate page.

  14. Develop functionality for Activity Programs and Outings/Combos SD154/GH1639

    This is functionality would be much like what we have for courses and would be for activity programs like Explorers and Venturing Crew, activity outings like Yosemite Climbing and "combo" activities like Hike & Stewardship and Cathedral Rock & Mount Daniel. We need to be able to group a few activities (and maybe a couple lodge stays) under one "umbrella" Outing and use a "manage registration" style feature to register for them and the Outing as a whole like we do for courses.

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  15. Make it possible for website to process multiple payments for trips like Global Adventures and Youth Programs

    Make it possible for deposits to be taken and then remaining balance paid through the website.

    User Story: As a parent registering my child for a youth program, allow me to choose to pay the full amount, or automatically pay in equal monthly installments from this month through the last month of the program with a credit card so that staff need not keep credit card info on file (security risk) and process these cards manually every month.

    Note: Though specifically requested for our youth programs, this payment system could be used for any program of sufficient length and cost.

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  16. Add a trip plan upload and PLB checkbox

    Add the ability to upload a "trip plan" to an activity. In addition, we would like a checkbox that indicates if the trip party is planning to carry a PLB. The ability to upload a trip plan is priority #1, and the PLB checkbox is priority #2 (if it is not a lot of additional work).

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