Ability to see 'what trips i have done with this person'
It would be great if I could look up a person, and see the trips i've done with them in the past, along with their badges. So many times, we end up playing the 'i've been out with you somewhere. were you on my Norse Peak trip? no? may be on Snoqualmie last year then?' :)

Hello All - While there is no change in status for this idea, I wanted provide a progress update on this highly voted for idea and where we are at in evaluating our options. While we understand the value in having this functionality built into the website's user interface when looking at another member's profile, this would be a significant development effort which has made it difficult to prioritize. In the meantime, we are exploring alternative ways that members could still answer the question "What trips i have done with this person?".
Danyel Fisher commented
I've had a few months to play with this Chrome extension, and would love more feedback. This is in no way meant to replace the efforts that Devin's team is working on -- but rather is a prototype / proof of concept.
Please check out https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/mountaineer-trips-in-comm/naccnbaphpghakhhnppgiibdkipmhhgf?pli=1 and let me know what you think!
Danyel Fisher commented
For interested people -- I've been playing with a Chrome extension that does some of this. It's still in early testing, but I'd love your feedback and thoughts. Please email me for access -- my name is Danyel Fisher on the site, which has my email address.
Ericka Mitterndorfer commented
This is a fantastic idea! And what a way to build even more community!
Rena Chinn commented
Great for leaders to be reminded and acknowledge of people they have been out with before. Makes everyone feel more welcome and increases a sense of belonging.
Andy Cahn commented
I would love this tool. I go on so many Mountaineers trips that I can't remember who all I have met. This would be very helpful in refreshing my memory.
Tess Wendel commented
useful tool for volunteer recruiting, networking and gives leaders a nice way to remember participants better and tailor outings to fit peoples' needs when you can remember them better. Also could lead to more community feel/more inclusivity.
Chris Finley commented
I've suggested this in the past too. It would be helpful, especially for instructors, since they interact with so many people.
David Judish commented
We were just discussing this last week! Thanks for initiating the suggestion!
Jon Larson commented
Context. I often find myself in situations where I know I've been on a trip with someone previously, but can't remember which.
It would be very nice when clicking on someone's profile to immediately see a list of all the activities and courses we've both been registered for. This is ultimately information the user would already have, because we could manually look through all previous registered activities and see all other people registered. I've attached a screenshot I made of what I'm thinking.
I think this would be a great feature for increasing socialization in the club, because it let's you easily find old connections and give you signal to reinforce and keep building them.
Chris Finley commented
I was about to enter this suggestion too. I've heard the same request on many of my trips. I think it would be heavily used and much liked feature.
I feel terrible when a past student joins a trip and do not remember them from the class. I'm sure it hurts their feelings. However, there is no reasonable way for me to remember hundreds of people that I met one time (thousands for some of you instructors).
How does this get moved up in priority?