Add a trip plan upload and PLB checkbox
Add the ability to upload a "trip plan" to an activity. In addition, we would like a checkbox that indicates if the trip party is planning to carry a PLB. The ability to upload a trip plan is priority #1, and the PLB checkbox is priority #2 (if it is not a lot of additional work).

We plan to add a field to the Activity edit form that allows upload and replacement of a "trip plan" file. The title of the file will be "Trip Plan" and we'll add a "Trip Plan" button to the right sidebar of the Activity page that opens it.
We also decided that there's no need for a PLB checkbox. This is info that should be in a trip plan.
Sara: We already have a way to add files to an activity. schedule a meeting for us and I'll show you how. We can make it a bit more "robust" like the "Resources" feature on Routes & Places if needed. We could also make it a rich text field on the activity.
I also wonder why we need a checkbox for whether there will be a PLB on a trip? If we do, is it just for PLBs or is it a more general "emergency communication devices on trip" box or a rich text field? Is it better as a field on the activity or on the activity's roster records?