Self populating cell meet place and time
Create a self populating cell that when you’re posting or developing your template for the activity, There’s usually several options to launch from, and the cell could populate on the condition when you select where you were going to launch from it tells you or populates the cell with the meeting place and have an option in the cell that allows for time inputs of meet time and launch time and maybe an option for pre-launch meeting time This would eliminate. This could eliminate the current meat, place and time box completely. Leader could have the notes in there and put whatever they want in there. They don’t even have to talk about that where it is and nobody can Short cut it. You could put the Cell under the information area like where it shows wind and currents right before participants size. So it’s right at the top when you open it and you see that it’s such and such Park. That’s where it is directly below the description that the leader puts in describing where they’re going and such. I’ll consider this critical. Might be an answer to the frustration leaders are having communicating information to prospective applicants