Need Secondary Emergency Contact when Spouse on a Trip
The Member Profile allows you to provide an emergency contact. This works well, but if it is a spouse or partner, and both of you go on the same trip (as happened on a recent backpack I led), that contact is not useful. Leaders end up needing to request a second contact. (My co-leader wanted this from me; the problem hadn't occurred to me.) For such situations, it would be helpful to have a second contact in the system.
My suggestion is to provide the option to enter a second emergency contact and phone number, and where it is provided to have it appear in the leader's roster.

This idea's solution is now live on production! We now encourage member's to put multiple emergency contact numbers in the Emergency Contact Name and Number fields. This automatically flows through to all rosters and should cover if someone is on a trip with one of their emergency contacts. When members are prompted to resign their waiver, they will see the follow fields.
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Matt Simerson commented
The emergency contact(s) should be profile information that gets automatically added to every event/stay/activity one participates in. I don't want to have have to think about this every time I sign up for an activity/event.
Brian Seater commented
I like adding a second emergency contact field. As a participant I wouldn't think about my emergency contact information after I set it initially. I would guess most people don't think about changing it depending on who is on the trip with them.
You can always change your emergency contact before such a trip and change it back when the trip is over. To do so go to your profile and edit it.
Another option is to treat this like carpool info. There is default carpool info in each person's profile that is the default when registering for an activity. If we do this, then carpool info and emergency contact info could be different for each activity if needed.