Track Leaders, Instructors and Members better on Committee Rosters including Automatically Assigning Leader Badges SD134/SD580
Right now you are added as a leader to a committee and Member Services gets an email notification that requires them to add the badge. Leader web rights however are instantly granted with the addition to the roster.
Expiration dates for each, automatic leader/instructor badge assignment/removal, roster removal if none remain. Add committee member checkbox. Bulk update tools for managing roles/expiration dates. Determine what an instructor really is.

We added fields for tracking committee member, leader and instructor expiration dates, and automatically assign or remove the leader badge specified on the committee.
Additional details were sent to committee chairs on Nov 20. See the tech blog post,, for more info.
Space is tight in the table, so we might look at adding a "date of last trip led" column or maybe we add trip name and date to the download.
Sara Ramsay commented
Another possible addition to this ... have a column that shows the last trip or activity a leader led. This might help committees determine who is still current and who is not.
I'd really like to see a mentored leader check box on committee roster that gives leaders web rights to set everything up and then the leader box can be checked and the mentored leader box unchecked and then the leader box checking would automatically assign leader badges.
Dennis Miller commented
I agree this is would be a helpful timesaver for staff and a headache saver for committee leaders.
Just want to add that some committees have multiple leader types. For example, Scramble leader and winter Scramble leader. We need support for that. Effecting two leader badges using a single "leader" role on the committee roster doesn't work and must be fixed.
Said another way: enable committees to manage multiple leader badges.
David Bradley commented
There are situations where a person may be listed as a Leader in the Committee Roster but should not have a Leader badge. Linking the two together automatically may cause some problems unless there is also a way to handle those situations. Two examples:
1) When someone is in the process of becoming a new trip leader and is setting up their Mentored Trip(s), the trip leader *candidate* is provisionally added to the roster as a Leader so that they can set up and manage their mentored trip, but they should not receive their leader badge until they have successfully completed their mentored trip(s) and have been approved by the relevant committee.
2) In Programs that offer courses sometimes people are added to the roster as a trip leader for administrative purposes only, so that they can lead lectures or lead field trips whose qualifications are more modest than those of actual trips. Such people appear in the roster as a leader but should not have a leader badge.
Ada Love commented
This would be a great function and ensure that all badges are always up to date!
Brian Booth commented
Add Emergency Contact name & phone # to Committee rosters. These are needed so that course field trip leaders can have a full list of emergency contacts for Committee instructors that are instructing at the field trip. (Yes, this can be done from the Activity roster, but [1] It's extra work for each field trip leader to download their own instructor roster, rather than having a single Instructor Roster that can be downloaded once and sent to field trip leaders, and [2] The Activity roster is prone to being incomplete for emergency contact info for instructors who neglect to "register" online for the field trip activity.)
Dennis Miller commented
The solution needs to support different kinds of leader and instructor roles per committee. For example, Everett Scrambling Committee needs Scramble Leaders and Winter Scramble Leaders, which is a more advanced qualification. But all we have on the roster is "leader" and no way to designate which type of leader or which badge might be awarded.
karenk commented
Would it be possible to auto add folks to the Peak Society Badge Roster? As in they pay for their “Peak Society Membership”, their membership is changed in plone and then they are auto added to the badge roster?
Dennis Miller commented
Dennis Miller commented · Just Now · Delete
Leadership role on the committee roster is a poor design. I have documented the reasons else where, so I won't go into all of them here. But the most compelling is that it limits a committee to a single leadership badge (else, which one corresponds to the leadership role) and potentially to a single course (if instructor qualification is designed the same way). Also, who wants so many leaders and instructors cluttering up their committee roster and with full access to private committee documents.
The notion of Committee Leader or Committee Instructor does not make much sense. We have course instructors and Activity Type leaders; both which are orthogonal to committee.
1) add a leadership expiration date - make it so that leader cannot create a new activity sponsored by the committee if leader status has expired
2) Add Leader status as current, mentor or suspend, expired.
- Susan Graham from Focus GroupsCould be part of a larger story that includes bulk roster management tools for committees. Please suggest any desired roster management tools by commenting on this idea.
Same idea for leader status may make sense for instructors unless we develop an instructor badge system that is handled differently.