Warning when you click "Copy E-mail Addresses" if you have private and public profiles checked
The Mountaineers has a policy that if you are emailing people with a profile set to Private, you should put them in BCC. It would be helpful if the site gave a warning pop-up when you have selected both public and private profiles and click "Copy E-mail Addresses" as the next logical step is that those emails get pasted into a "To" line.
The warning could simply remind leaders that they should put Private profiles in BCC and maybe link to the policy.
I'm not entirely sure if using the "Send E-mail" button will properly sort the emails into the right categories. When I tried it said "To: blah + 3 others" so I didn't want to risk it by actually sending something.
Assuming that button does the right thing, it would be better if the form showed the To field and the Bcc field. FWIW I don't use the "Send E-mail" button because I prefer to compose my emails directly in Gmail.

This idea has been completed! We have changed the title of the copy email box to state "BCC Only" and have altered the email template that sends emails directly from the website to clearly show that all participants are under BCC vs. TO.