In Stewardship Half Day template document the need for manual follow-up
After completing two "Stewardship Half Day" activities the participant is expected to send an email to requesting their Stewardship badge. This fact was documented in a one-time email sent to activity chairs and some activity leaders when the new template was launched in November, 2020 (see attached pdf) but does not appear to be documented anywhere else. Moreover, people who post Stewardship Half Day activities are expected to include the need for manual follow-up in their activity descriptions, but that also appears to have been mentioned only in the one-time November email. As a result, Stewardship Half Day activities are being posted without the documentation, which leads to confusion and questions on the part of activity participants who have completed two half-day activities but have not received a Stewardship badge -- they do not know they need to ask for it manually because that is not documented anywhere.
The natural place to document the need for manual follow-up would be in the summary field of Stewardship Half Day template itself:
For Course activity templates the "Description" field of the template gets copied into every activity created with that template. If the same is true of non-course activity templates, then perhaps the text that was recommented in the November email could be included in the Description field of the activity template so that it is automatically copied into every Stewardship Half Day activity:
"As a half-day activity, participants who complete this activity are not eligible to receive the Stewardship Credit badge. If you have completed multiple half-day stewardship activities within the past year and you need this badge for course credit, please email with the dates of your participation and our Member Services team will award you the badge."
Alternatively, this text could be included somewhere else in the description field of the template so that there is at least a possibility that leaders will see it when creating new activities.
Hello David -
Thank you for sharing this idea! We have implemented two changes to assist in awarding stewardship badges for multiple half day events.
- We added the language you recommended to the half day activity template. We cannot auto-populate the description of an activity, but can auto-populate the leader notes of an activity. Now, if anyone generates a half day event this information will be added like the 10 essentials are always added.
- We created a report that will email our Member Services team every quarter that should help us find individuals who have attended multiple Stewardship half day events that do not have an active stewardship badge. This will hopefully have us find and recognize those who may have missed the leader notes!