Assign the Stewardship Credit Badge Based on Stewardship Activity Volunteer Hours
Once participants can more easily be assigned volunteer hours for participating in a stewardship activity (see Allow Participants to be Bulk Assigned Volunteer Hours,, assign (or remove) the Stewardship Credit badge based on having 8 or more stewardship volunteer hours in the last 365 days (removing this badge if a person has it and their stewardship volunteer hours are less than 8 in the last 365 days).

This has been completed. A leader can add a stewardship badge to an activity so that once the activity is completed, the badge will be assigned to participants on the roster. This only works for a full stewardship day. An idea still remains for half days:
As an interim solution, we added an activity template for "half day stewardship" activities. See our Activity Stewardship Activity Overview ( and Stewardship Credit Badge ( for more info.