Add Filters, Instructor Opt In/Out, and Badges to Committee Rosters
(1) Add filters to top of the page--admins, committee members, position, leaders, instructors, badges and lookup by name.
(2) Add an instructor opt in/out checkbox (see
(3) Add four badge columns to the download so you can see course badges, skill badges, leader badges and instructor badges. And maybe a fifth column that shows all other badges.
Within Committee rosters, currently you can "Sort" members by group, but not "Filter" them. The "Sort" tool is not very helpful, as many members have multiple roles (Leader, Instructor, Committee member, etc). When I click on "Groups" to sort my committee's roster, it sorts them as follows:
1. Members who are Admins, Instructors, and Committee members
2. Members who are Admins, Instructors, and Leaders
3. Members who are Admins, Instructors, Leaders and Committee members
4. Members who are Instructors only
5. Members who are Instructors and Committee members
6. Members who are Instructors and Leaders
7. Members who are Instructors, Leaders and Committee members
8. Members who are Leaders only.
It's a major nuisance when trying to compile a list of just the Instructors, or Leaders.
If there was a "Filter" tool available that could display only members who are Leaders, it would be much more user-friendly.
The "Filter" function was available back in Website version 1.0 - can we bring it back?
As part of our recent upgrade, 4.5, we added the ability to sort rosters, added additional roster columns, and have the ability to download rosters.
Travis Prescott commented
I'm not sure how the comments seem to pre-date the suggestion, but I wholeheartedly agree. The sort function is not useful for filtering the committee roster.
As a workaround, you can export the roster to CSV and this single column on the site becomes four columns upon which you *can* filter, that's clunky and requires you to maintain the CSV somewhere. It would be so much more convenient to check a box for "committee members" (or instructors, leaders, etc) and then select all and email.
Nick Mayo commented
This would allow program leaders to more easily get rosters and lists of those members who are currently certified instructors and climb leaders.
This would help with committee roster management.
It's probably best to add four columns to the Committee Roster download--Leader Badges, Instructor Badges, Course Badges, and Skill Badges. It will show the titles of all the badges the person has in each of those badge "categories." We're out of screen real estate so that's why it;s best to add this to the download.
Tess Wendel commented
Add filters to top of the page--admins, committee members, position, leaders, instructors, badges and lookup by name. Also includes instructor opt in/out checkbox (see
Add four badge columns to the download so you can see course badges, skill badges, leader badges and instructor badges. And maybe a fifth column that shows all other badges.
Brian Seater commented
It would be helpful to have a way to filter the committee rosters online by role. For example, if I want to email everyone who is a committee member, I currently have to either go through the roster line by line and manually select the people who are "Members" or download the roster and filter it in Excel. It would be nice to be able to filter by On Committee, Leader, and Instructor through the website.