Integrate Website and Learning Management System (LMS, aka eLearning) SD636++
Integrate the Learning Management System (LMS, aka eLearning) with our website so that when people are added to a roster in they are added in the LMS and receive appropriate course materials.

This was completed as part of tech improvement 4.5 -
Michael Hutchens commented
What integrations will be available with coassemble?
Michael Hutchens commented
My main questions for the group is "when will this discovery start", and "is SSO the first/only priority"?
I can tell you that starting 12/1/21, Seattle will have approx 350 students beginning to use the new platform - all signing in Dec/Jan for the sessions. With no bulk load options, I can see the staff getting a flood of requests for help/support.
Becca Polglase commented
Litmos had a bulk student upload, which instructors used to get students directly on Litmos. While we can manually add students to Coassemble, there's no bulk upload process. While it seems simple, the process of getting students to create a new account on a new platform proves to be a significant barrier, especially for students who are technologically challenged. We believe having SSO will get students doing their requried online work earlier, reducing staff and volunteer roster-management overhead
Kristina Ciari Tursi commented
Additional information: right now we have at least 300 students in our online navigation course, which is a required component of a course and therefore requires roster management. We also have a number of students in our standalone courses, which are self-service and does not require roster management. When we make the switch to Coassemble in August everyone using these courses will need to make a new login for Coassemble and we will need to manually manage the rosters (which we do not have to do now). We anticipate this will add 1-2 hours/week of management to staff, which comes at a hard cost and also an opportunity cost for other priorities.
As an org, we have chosen to de-prioritize eLearning from a staffing perspective, however it does have adoption among some of our volunteers and with varying degree across all of our branches. We selected Coassemble because it allows for SSO and should also be user friendly for our volunteers and members. Implementing SSO will allow us to give our members a "one stop shop" experience, will allow us to reach more people through eLearning and reduce the in-person restrictions on volunteers, and will relive administrative burden on staff.
Kristina Ciari Tursi commented
Litmos is not meeting our needs, and we have selected another eLearning platform to deliver our online educational tools. To ease the administrative burden and to better integrate with our existing site, we'd like to add the Single Sign On functionality so our members do not need to create a separate account to complete their online learning objectives.
Kristina Ciari Tursi commented
Litmos is not meeting our needs, and we have selected another eLearning platform to deliver our online educational tools. To ease the administrative burden and to better integrate with our existing site, we'd like to add the Single Sign On functionality so our members do not need to create a separate account to complete their online learning objectives.
Michael Hutchens commented
More info. Currently the LITMOS system has some issues that will prevent the students from achieving 100 percent completion, so their completion status as shown in LITMOS will be less than 100 percent. Seattle-NAV usually goes by a number of >85% for class completion. We should talk about this more for the requirements on how to automatically update the participant result on the website via LITMOS data.
Brian Starlin commented
Another thing to integrate -- automate creation of logins and deactivation of logins between the systems. If someone signs up for an activity, create their login within LITMOS on the start date of the activity, for example. Then when the "course" is finished (or possibly the activity), inactivate the user to free up LITMOS licenses for other users. If the person had not completed Activity #1, but signs up for another eLearning Activity #2, you'd need to keep their LITMOS login active, otherwise, LITMOS resets their course completion status and puts them back to ground zero.
Brian Starlin commented
Navigation has been using the activity roster on Mountaineers.Org is the primary spot for recordkeeping, student status, and close-out. Team Rosters in LITMOS have only been for putting students into a certain "Team" which runs for a certain length of time (2 to 4 weeks), and tracking their progress within their assigned LITMOS eLearning Coursework. If a student starts the eLearning, and doesn't get much above 20%, we plan to mark them as a No-Show on the Activity Roster. If they get further but don't finish, we plan to mark them "Turned Around", because that seems to be the closest status to "Incomplete" (Or, add an Incomplete status to Participant Result options). If they finish, we'll mark them complete. There will be people who don't finish on one activity, but change their registration to another activity. Within LITMOS, they will appear on more than one "Team" or "Course", depending how the "Activity to LITMOS" relationship is done. But that helps you understand some of how we plan to map LITMOS completions to Mountaineers Activity completions before integration is available.
Michael Hutchens commented
Currently any integration between the systems is a manual process. For example, as students complete the class in the online system an admin will have to update these students with result status on the website (250+ students for 2019 NAV) since the website is the system of record for courses. LITMOS does have a cvs feed available, and one possible path would be to have the ability to import this or part of the data at the activity level with initiation by the admin. Open for other ideas also. Not sure how many votes this will get as this really only impacts those classes that are taking advantage of the online environment.