Create a searchable database of all committee chairs SD646
searchable by activity type, branch (idea came from scramble summit)

Completed Sep 2019.
Richard Rutz commented
Links to committee pages
There should be a page, easily reached, that lists all of the major club committees and links. Also, links to a committee listing for each branch. At present, all of the links to "Branches and Committees" (such as under "Volunteer" or "Leader Resources"), or to "Activity Committees" (such as under "About", on the page for "Vision and Leadership") go to "Lodges and Locations". There are NO links there to any of the committees! And for committees such as Finance or Global Adventures, you need to go to "About" and "Board of Directors" to get there.
- Committee summary view mockup
- Email table example and columns
- Whether to show records for all admins or a set of committee positions
- Add activity type multiselect to committee
- Populate committees with activity types
- Create committee faceted search with "email" button -
We want this to be accessible to all logged in users so they can find committee chair info for equivalency, leadership etc easily.
Our committee chairs want to be able to email activity chairs from other branches.
Ideally you'd have a faceted search and then being able to check boxes for certain folks and email them or have that "copy email" functionality that exists on rosters.
This needs more definition:
- Who has access?
- What does this "page" look like?
- Is is collection-like or search-like? Sounds like search-like.
- Is the information downloadable? Printable? Email the results list?