Improve Feedback forms ~PloneOnly
Please fix the feedback form-
Under the overall rating you only give four options and there have been a number of times that I didn’t want to mark “Pretty good, I'd go again” or “Not so great, I'd think twice about going again”, but needed something right in the middle like- it was OK, but I might or might not do it again.
With the options given “Not so great” is just a little better than a disaster. We need some kind of “ho hum” option. Sometimes it isn’t as bad as “Not so great” but it isn’t “Pretty good” either.
When faced with the lack of the “middle, 5th” option I do not respond because I can’t respond given the options and thus you don’t get any feedback. No info is better than the wrong info to me.
I don’t think I am the only one not responding because of the lack of the options.
Thanks for listening,
Tad Englund

We recently reviewed and updated all of our feedback forms. We opted stick with four response options, to avoid too many folks “sitting on the fence” – but we did update the options to include a more neutral “it was fine” choice. Additionally, we rephrased the question/replies to focus on the person’s experience on that specific trip, regardless of whether or not they would go again. Please see the following example:
Please rate your overall experience on this trip.
> It was excellent, I loved everything!
> It was just fine, nothing stood out as particularly positive or negative.
> It wasn’t my favorite, there were a few things that I didn’t enjoy.
> It was terrible, I didn’t like anything!
We also included some additional questions related to building a more welcoming, inclusive environment, limiting our impact on our public lands and clarifying any safety related incidents.
To view all of our updated feedback forms, please visit our website.
Mike Breen commented
> Please rate your overall experience for this trip.
Excellent trip, I can't wait to go again!
Pretty good, I'd go again.
Not so great, I'd think twice about going again.
Disaster, I'm never going again!I've been on over 10 trips and I am not clear on the intent of this question / how the feedback is being used. For example,
Is the feedback meant to help rate specific trails?
Is the word "again" in the response choices supposed to mean "again with this trail/trip" or "again with the Mountaineers"?
Does a low response for the experience reflect poorly on the leader (maybe not since there's a specific question about the leader)?Initially I refrained from marking "Excellent trip, I can't wait to go again! " because I probably would not go on this specific trail as I intended to go on other excursions / trails, and there are only a few trails that I would want to do more than once year.
My suggestions (pick none/one/many):
a) current: Please rate your overall experience for this trip.
update to:
Please rate your overall experience with the Mountaineers during this trip.
-or -
Please rate your overall experience of this trail route.
b) current: Excellent trip, I can't wait to go again!
update to: [ ] Excellent trip, I can't wait to go on another trip with the Mountaineers.
c) Add a specific question about the trail / route:
add new question: How would you rate this trail / route?
d) It seems this forum suggests more of a technology solution...there could be an (i) information hover button that gives a detailed explanation of what this question is getting at. ie to reflect the trail, to reflect your perception of the Mountaineers in general, etc -
Idea submitted by Tad Englund
October 19, 2016