Entering, Tracking and Reporting Volunteer Hours SD394++
Some features needed:
* Self-reporting volunteer hours (e.g. projects and committee meetings)
* Add a My Volunteer Hours page (self-reported, activities, courses and events [and volunteer opportunities])
* Printing volunteer hours for company matching
* Salesforce volunteer hours reporting

Completed Sep 2019.
Linda Moore commented
Many volunteer leaders lead multiday trips, yet recognition badges are based on number of trips. Multi-day trips should be recognized for number of days, as volunteer efforts multiply relative to number of days including overnight stays and often with greater volunteer onsite effort and pre-trip planning than 4 1-day trips.
example: leading 4 5-day day trips, are currently recognized as 4 volunteer trips rather than 20 equivalent volunteer trip days, and should be recognized based on at least number of days for equivalency to single day trips. Thank you for considering this and making recognition more equitable for volunteers. -
There is a ton of admin work for committees whether thats wrangling new SIG leaders, reinstating old leaders, that can't easily be linked to an existing activity or an event.
Additionally our recognition in the past has been tied to instances but not all instances are created equal and hours are a more accurate way. The Education team's leadership recognition plan is hoping to feature recognition based on hours.
Dennis Miller commented
We have members who spend far more time planning, organizing, and directing than they do leading and instructing. Consider a course coordinator, for example...a lot of time goes into scheduling the course, preparing the materials, recruiting volunteers, renting a facility, monitoring students, etc, etc, etc. Only fair to count that time.
Anita Elder commented
I'm out of votes, but this is high on my list. Because of the courses we teach (photography), there's a lot of volunteer hours that go into the course materials, etc.
Charlie Michel commented
I would like to see the ability to track volunteer hours for courses and clinics, and not just activities