Add a filter for Cancelled Activities on My Activities page GH1325
Can we please get a sort or filter button on this page so that we don't have to view the canceled events?

Based on the original request and comments, we added “Show Canceled” checkbox, “Show waitlisted” checkbox and a date range filter. We did the same for the My Courses & Programs page. Go check it out!!
Fritz Stugren commented
I think I made a similar suggestion a while ago. Filtering cancelled and waitlisted activities - not deleting them, just having an persistable option to hide them - would be great. I'm in the basic class this year and I have already signed up for about 10 activities which I later either canceled (when I realized that being at position 8 on a waiting list wasn't going to get me anywhere) or where I remained waitlisted and no place had become available.
I agree with Brian that cancelling at the last minute when you are on the roster is an annoyance and a headache for the leader, but I'm not sure if merely the number of canceled activities would be a good indicator of unreliability. I removed myself off the waiting list a few times but not from a committed roster. Should that distinction be available to trip leaders? -
Petro Ksondzyk commented
To Brian Booth: I believe the idea is to add an option to hide/display cancelled activities rather than just delete them.
Petro Ksondzyk commented
Jeff, I think in order to deal with large lists, a time period filter would be effective like when you look at the bank statement online.
Brian Booth commented
At first, I was about to agree. But then I realized there IS value in displaying Canceled activities. I am a Scrambling trip leader. I have one individual who has signed up for 2 of my trips, then cancelled at the last minute, causing a hassle for me to re-print my trip roster for my emergency-call person. Just recently I checked this individual's Activity History, and learned that he has signed up, then canceled on 18 activities in the last 2 years! If he signs up on one of my scrambles again, I am going to be very firm with him and say it better be for real this time - please don't sign up unless you really intend to go. Please keep this; it's a valuable tool for Leaders.