Show enrolled courses in course roster CSV export
As a course administrator, I often need to know if students are enrolled in their co-requisite courses so I can send them appropriate reminders. In some cases, such as scrambling, we actually bump students off the roster who don't have or enroll in Wilderness Navigation before the course starts.
With the course roster CSV export, I can determine if someone has already completed Navigation. However, there's no way for me to know if someone has is enrolled in the course without manually going to every student's profile and checking their course list. This is as abysmally slow as it sounds.
Please add "enrolled courses" to the CSV export.
Hello Travis -
Based on the work we are doing in google sheets to come up with an easier way for course leaders to manage their roster, I am going to close this idea as our automated google sheet solution will better serve the overarching need of understanding student's co-requisite course status.