Registration Portlet Checkbox Update for Adult Courses GH2751
For an adult registering for an adult course (i.e. one that's NOT a Youth Program), display this text The leader of this course has explicitly given me permission to register and I understand I may be permanently deleted from the roster if I sign up without that permission. I further verify that I have the skill requirements necessary to safely participate. {Request Leader's Permission}
if no application form URL is specified and the person registering is not a youth.
For a youth registering for an adult course (i.e. one that's NOT a Youth Program"), display a checkbox with this text I have verified that a Qualified Youth Leader will be present for this all course activities. The youth registrant meets the age and skill requirements and has permission to participate in this course. {Request Leader's Permission}
for all youth. (Note that this is in addition to a required application form if an application for URL is specified).

Completed Feb 2023.