Link Green Trails Maps Purchase to Activities & Courses Listings
Populate course and activity listings with Green Trails map purchases in parallel with Mountaineers Books listings. Why? 1) Facilitate, encourage carrying hard copy topo maps. 2) Support Books efforts to recover lost revenue
Hello Peter - Thank you for submitting your idea and thinking about how we can better incorporate books into our programs and activities! I think everyone would agree that there are opportunities to enhance the 'recommended reading' list - but unfortunately this is not something we are going to be able to improve with staff time. Today, staff does the best we can to handle the updates submitted by members to our current routes/places, we are not in a position to staff this process to its fullest. If improvements to the process are going to be made, it will have to come through passionate volunteers. If a group does decide to organize around routes places and recommended reading around this, we will see where and how staff can support as we do for other committees/groups.