Make Header Only Toggle Between Publishing/Programs on Click GH2872
With the most recent 3.1 update to, the header changed so that it's "responsive" when you mouseover either "The Mountaineers" or "Mountaineers Books". In the past, you had to click on one to toggle, and now the header menu will change if you mouseover (either on purpose or on accident).
As a super-user, this is frustrating because I often end up in the wrong environment on accident then have to revisit the header to get back to the proper menu items.
Please change it back to swap only on clicks.

Completed Jan 7, 2019.
For items in the universal header--the top one with The Mountaineers, Mountaineers Books, Search, Cart (if it contain any items), Profile/Login, and Donate--we plan to make these changes.
The Mountaineers:
-Hover: charcoal background (same as The Mountaineers global header background)
-Click: / (i.e. Programs home page and global header, Books:
-Hover: dark blue (same as Mountaineers Books global header background)
-Click: /books (i.e. Books home page and global header, Search:
-Ok as is.Profile/Login:
-Ok as is.Shopping Cart:
-Hide if empty (current behavior).
-Show if one or more items with small yellow box indicating number of items in the cart (current behavior).
-Hover: Open blue box with list of items in the shopping cart and the “checkout” button.
-Click: Open blue box with list of items in the shopping cart and the “checkout” button.
-Fix: When the blue box is displayed, make it completely overlap the small yellow box (currently part of the yellow box is poking out). -
David Shema commented
It is so frustrating to end up on the Mountaineers BOOKS website unintentionally as I fling the cursor around the page.
There is no delay - once the cursor enters the tab area, the mode switches. Hovering requires a moderate delay. To claim this is a "hover"-activated feature seems out and out wrong.
I also disagree that the current feature is a current best practice. Web design literature suggests that *non-temporary* change to a webpage presentation requires a positive action by the user. Moving the cursor around a page does not qualify as a positive action.
Activating pull-down menus upon a hover is very different. The user still makes the final selection with a click.
Brian Seater commented
Any update on this? So frustrating to try and get things done on the website when the menus keeps changing...
Becca Polglase commented
Hi Jeff - wondering what the timeline is on this one? Its not only confusing to folks, but even when I move my mouse back to hover over Mountaineers, I have to be very careful how I move my mouse to the menu item I want. If I move it at an angle (which apparently I often do), it toggles back to Mountaineers Books. Its really frustrating.
Becca -
Brian Seater commented
I too keep getting stuck on the Books header, which is really frustrating.
Jeff, to you comment about all the other menus being "hover" those work great because hovering just shows an additional menu. Move your mouse away and the page goes back to how it was before. With the club or books menus, one random flick of the mouse and the header changes and all the menus are now different.
Should definitely be click.
Chad Arveson commented
My header always lands and stays on Books most of the day because some point my courser runs over it. Since I do all of my work on The Mountaineers site, I find it a bit frustrating. I understand that hover strategy but click works better for me.
If it snapped back to the header of the page you were on when you stopped hovering, that could work too.
Helen Cherullo commented
I think the hover causes confusion for the user-- which we want to avoid. I would prefer click.
Doug Canfield commented
I also prefer going back to the click.
Just my two cents...I love the hovering to open menus. I find it snappier and way quicker to navigate. In fact, I'd be for opening the Profile menu (your picture and name in the header) on moiuseover.
From a technical standpoint, hovering to open menus is current best practice. That's how all of the menus on our website work and have worked since launch (with the above noted exception). Clicking on a menu opens a page. In this case, it's the Programs or Books home page. Not that it's a long wait, but to get the Programs or Books menu, you have to wait for the home page to load before choosing from one of those menus.
Dilek Bulut commented
Hovering is is not a practical way to navigate. It is standard practice to use click function in main menu items.
Peter Dunau commented
Give me click or give me death!
Jokes aside, I do prefer the click.
Bri Vanderlinden commented
Agree to use the click - mostly because with the scroll over change, I'm having a more difficult time navigating because the page will change while I'm trying to get to another location.
Andy Bassett commented
Agreed back to one click