Course page not loading with high volume visitation, Speed GH2785
When course participants visit this page at the same time and try and click Manage Registration no one else can visit the course page. Specifically we had about 75 out of the 100 participants were online trying to sign up for their hikes at 9:00AM yesterday. We had 25 hikes that all went "live" for registration at 9:00 (these are our April CHS hikes). The offerings were split evenly -- 12 CHS1 hikes and 13 CHS2 hikes -- and, from what I can see, the participants were attempting to sign up for a real variety, not just 2 or 3 in particular. None of the hikes appeared to be in greater demand, or filled up faster than the others. Looking over the numbers this morning, it appears about 89 people signed up over the course of the day (most in the morning after the website issue was resolved). The breakdown percentage was 56%/44% (CHS2/CHS1)

We’ve optimized the course page and manage course activity registration dialog, and added a sever that we can turn on as needed for times like these when there are many people registering for many course activities.
Oct 2018
Add GitHub ticket for developers to help us evaluate.
Another round of CHS hikes opened for registration at 9am on 4/25 and course participants were still having significant trouble getting pages to load in order to get themselves registered. The next dates that hikes will open for registration are: 5/23, 6/20, 7/25, and 8/22 (all at 9am).
Awaiting info from other courses where this may be an issue so that we have a few examples for our developers.