Make it possible to add merchandise when renewing or buying a membership or gift membership GH2754
It'd be neat to be able to buy a mountaineers hat or pint glass when joining and/or buying a gift membership for someone.
You might also like section should show up on Join the Mountaineers page in addition to showing on the shopping cart.
Similar set up for gift memberships
This idea is closing as it is no longer an idea that the relevant team would like to pursue. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
This should be fairly easy (probably a ticket) for memberships (joining and renewing) and the coming gift membership feature. The current holiday gift memberships are merchandise where you can already add some merchandise that will show with the gift membership products and will show in a portlet on the shopping cart page when we get the “you might also like” book and merchandise items to show in that portlet on the shopping cart page. So we should be able to do this with two tickets (monthly support).