Committee roster updates based on activity level
One of the things were trying to do right now is clean up the roster, lots of old info there. Any chance those can be self updating fields? For example the scramble standard says leaders have to do at least one trip every 2 years. Something similar could work for instructors too.
We added the ability to download badges for all on a committee roster, so there is enough data for a “real human” to review and make decisions about a leader’s status. This is better than a costly automated system that could accidentally remove a person from a roster.
Dennis Kiilerich commented
Tess' idea would be preferable. Whoever manages the roster (leadership committee, etc) should receive a notification if some has not led an activity within a certain time period. Given how rarely this happens, I don't think that automating expiry is super necessary. But getting an email notification about this saves people from having to constantly or periodically look at the roster.
I would actually prefer at least two time spans in question. For example, if a roster requires activity within 3 years, a notification can be sent when the last activity was both 2 years and 3 years ago. That way, the committee can let people know that they have a year to list something instead of manually managing a grace period.
Regarding frequency, given that the timespan is measured in years, having the query run once a week or once a month seems totally fine.
I think this would address both Jeff's and Brian/Nick's desires/concerns.
I think this one may warrant a higher level org-wide leadership discussion. With this kind of automation, there needs to be automated communication before the action happens to give our leaders (and instructors?) the opportunity to "get back in the game" or correct an error if we got an expiration date wrong. We also need to be sure we're pushing the expiration dates out as leaders (and instructors?) meet requirements--we probably need automation for this too.
Even if we add some automation, we still most likely need to review all committee rosters annually to be sure they are up-to-date and that nothing has "slipped through the cracks.".
Nick Mayo commented
...but having "Last Trip Led" on the roster in addition, or instead of this feature would be a helpful enhancement.
Nick Mayo commented
Having the "leader" checkbox auto-removed when the leader date has expired would be a nice feature. Committee admins could always query the "Leader Expiration Date" to re-engage with the volunteer and encourage them to lead another trip and extend the date if necessary.
Would an email notification or email digest about inactive leaders be a good way to help with this management. That way we aren't having folks automatically dropped - instead we can reach out to re-engage and ask them to volunteer?