Leader Permission Links
Posting on behalf of a Mountaineer Leader.
The location of the "Request Leader's Permission" link is very confusing because it looks as if permission is required to be a leader of the trip rather than a participant.
What's more confusing is that the screenshot is from this trip to Lila Lakehttps://www.mountaineers.org/explore/activities/backpack-lila-lake-1, which is not set up to have any any assistant leaders, so one wonders why "leader prerequisites" are shown at all. I thought I might be seeing a different screen because I am a backpack leader, but the screen looks the same when viewed in incognito mode (i.e. not logged in to the Mountaineers site).
I'm posting this on behalf of friend who had set a timer to be able to sign up for this trip when it opened, and had looked at the page many times and concluded that the "Leader's Permission" link did not apply to them. They were surprised when they were unable to register when registration finally opened.
One possible improvement would be to consider "Leader's Permission to be a prerequisite, and to list it at the top of the "prerequisites" section instead of at the bottom. The fact that is says "Prerequisites: None" is confusing in cases where there is in fact a prerequisite to get permission. I know that's not a "prerequisite" in the sense intended by the website (which of course means prerequisite badges) but may be confusing to people who are unfamiliar with website internals.
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