Redesign Website Header and Sitemap, and Integrate with SD579
Redesign our website header so it is better for mid-size mobile devices and re-organize our site map so that it better includes features we've added since launch (e.g. selling books, find volunteers, lodges), etc. This will involve UX design and some graphic design work.
Add "Locations" to the top level and move Branches, Outdoor Centers and Program Centers there.
Selling eBooks, ability to use promo codes currently in use on (e.g. buy one get one free) and content migration (pages, blogs, calendars, etc.) are the key considerations. Integrating our two websites will eliminate confusion of where to purchase books, make us look more like the one organization that we are, and allow members and guests to engage with our entire organization more easily. This can happen over time, so in this project, we will build the structure need to make that happen.

Dennis Miller commented
would like a drop down with two levels: branch and committee within branch.
Also, would like this in the header so it appears on all pages--the landscape issue is a red herring...plenty of room for the word "Branch" between the shopping cart and the profile image
Dennis Miller commented
Indeed! Navigating to Branch content is very difficult. "My Branch" was recently added to the hover menu on my member name, which is extremely convenient for me (use it every day). But it only works for my Branch and not across branches or for the general public.
As a related comment, access to Committee content is even more obscure unless you are a member on the committee roster. I would like have a more expedient way to navigate to the committee content of any committee of any branch.
Brian List commented
As Branch Chair I was contacted repeatedly by people from the local community with questions regarding all kinds of subjects. Even when they aren't interested in our programs they often have general questions about outdoor issues. It would be easier for the public to get ahold of branch officers if there was a branch tab on the home page.
Peter Hendrickson commented
There is an ongoing battle for Branch landscape on the website...and elsewhere.
Michael Riley commented
This is long overdue.
Bob Keranen commented
We need a "Branches" drop down tag on the top of the Home page to make navigating to individual branch pages, calendars and activities easier for users.
On my browsers, the orange menu bar moves up a little when I scroll down the page. That puts the "contents" button partially behind the Mountaineers logo. When I try to click on the contents button I need to be very careful or I click the logo instead and end up with a surprise trip to the home page. To make matters worse, the logo has an invisible or hard--to-see border, so it really covers more of the contents button than what meets the eye, making accidents more likely.
I'm sure there are other approaches, but one quick and easy way is to put "z-index: 50" on the edit-bar div.