add scramble category
At the scramble summit, there was unanimous desire to be able to tag a scramble as rock or snow. I gave two suggestions and they didn’t seem to have a strong opinion one way or another.
First: since Winter Scramble is under difficulty, just add Rock Scramble and Snow Scramble. They liked the simplicity of this and that if something is rock/snow you can just tag something as both. They did feel like its not truly a “difficulty” rating, so logically it doesn’t make a lot of sense under difficulty.
Second: Add a “scrambling category”. The benefit here is that it shows up where it makes more logical sense. The downside is we would need to list Rock Scramble, Snow Scramble, Rock/Snow Scramble and Other.

This is easy to do using “Rock Scramble” and “Snow Scramble” in the Difficulty field like we do "Basic Rock Climb and “Basic Glacier Climb.”
We just need volunteers to add these to our scramble Routes & Places. Please send an email to if you are interested in helping. Thanks!