Sort Courses and Activities by Date GH1837/1955
Contents view of a Course Template or Activities folder apparently returns items oldest-first. This requires scrolling to the bottom of the page to find the newest (and most likely of interest) items. Please change to sort sub-folders first, then courses or activities by newest first.
Note, if not fixed, this will become increasingly more inconvenient as history accumulates

The column headers in the “folder contents” view are now spaced correctly and you can sort (as you always have) by clicking on a column header. But the sort is only one direction ( e.g. A-Z) for now. The reverse sort now works as it should.
If you want to have a faceted search on any of your course template “Activities” folders, please send an email to
Dennis Miller commented
Also, I'd like to see the activities returned most recent first (by activity date, not modified date) in the standard view as well as contents view.
Dennis Miller commented
My column headers still do not align over the columns. My request for most recent activities to sort to the top of the page was respect with the activity date, not with the modified date. For that matter, if there is only room for one date, I would prefer to see the activity date, rather than the modified date, in contents view,