Add cancelation date range
I'm a trip leader. A couple days before a trip I don't want anyone new signing up for planning/logistics reasons. The solution for that is to have signup close a couple days early. But then people signed up can't cancel from my trip without emailing me and having me do it (or the Program Center do it), which is a pain for me to do. Since someone can't be signed up for 2 trips at the same time, they might need me to cancel them ASAP so they can sign up for another trip, but I might not be available for a day or so (and it might be the weekend and the Program Center is closed).
Possible solution:
It would be great to have an additional date range...the current one for Registration start & end, and a new one for Cancelation start & end.
Changing from DECLINED to CLOSED to follow the improved and streamlined feedback status options:
Member Services is a little concerned about how complicated this gets. We already get a fair number of questions from members who don't understand registration open and close dates.