Display activity start time next to date
Display an activity start time prominently along with the date, and as a mandatory field. It wastes time to go through several screens only to see that no time is listed, or the start time won't work for your personal schedule.

Changing from DECLINED to CLOSED to follow the improved and streamlined feedback status options: https://www.mountaineers.org/blog/new-technology-experience-manager-feedback-management-improvements
Forrest Koran commented
I think this is kind of important. My user story is that I work on weekdays, and without a simple way distinguish between "after work" weekday events and "during the day" it increases the impression that weekday events are just for retirees and not worth bothering to search for.
The "after hours" concept that Wendy articulated seems pretty simple.
Wendy W commented
There's got to be away to distinguish IN THE HEADINGS events that start in the morning vs. "after hours" ones. Some leaders do put "after hours" in their headings but some don't. If you just required that they ALWAYS put it in the heading, it would solve the problem. I can go on weekdays but I'm not going to go thru afternoon rush hour traffic to do something off I-90 on weekday evenings.