Improve Drill Down Navigation in Left Side Bar
I waste a lot of time navigating up and down the hierarchy page-by-page. Certainly, the breadcrumbs and the navigation tree in the left side bar are a great help for more effecient navigation.
Unfortunately, the left sidebar is somewhat limited because at certain levels the expand/collapse arrows no longer work. For example,when you encounter "committees", you cannot drill down further. Instead, you must move your attention to the body of the page and choose a committee from there. Then the hierarchy in the side bar miraculously expands and you can continue drilling down from there. (Until you reach another committees container, of course).
My suggestion is to fully enable the expand/collapse arrows in the left side bar so that they don't stop working at arbitrary levels.
In conjunction with that, I would like My Profile to expand to My Committees and continue down from there. That way, I can navigate from almost any page to any page in one step.

As you noted, one can now drill down at the committee level. We cannot do this for the branch “home page” because branches requested a home page style that did NOT include the left navigation panel. You do get the lefty navigation back once you’ve gone to the Branch News, Courses & Activities or About Us page.
Dennis Miller commented
The drill down is no longer interrupted a the committee level; that helps a lot. So now just do the same at the Branch level.
Another problem is that the Nav sidebar is not present at times it is needed and for all people.