Beef up our route-place database to include all of the routes-places in the '100-best' books
The system has such capacity for displaying our routes and places in an attractive and appealing way, with enough detail to know where the trailhead is and whether or not it covers the route or place that one wants to take. It seems a huge missed opportunity to let routes-places be submitted without even the most basic of descriptions other than the pure length and elevation gain, which doesn't tell us much. Yet I know that Member Services is deluged with route place requests that are so urgent that you hesitate to push back. I wonder if we might be able to assemble a committee (with the help of an intern from BCC or elsewhere?) who could go through our routes and places and beef up the ones that are minimal, clean out those that are redundant, add multiple activity types now that we can, as well as add more routes and places so that we can at least have all the major routes and destinations in our own Mountaineers '100 best' trail guides.

Hello All - Thank you for your interest in this idea! I think everyone would agree that there are opportunities to enhance and build out our routes and places further. While we do the best we can at staff to handle the updates submitted by members to our current routes, we are not in a position to staff this process to its fullest. If improvements to the process are going to be made, it will have to come through passionate volunteers. If a group does decide to organize around routes places, we will see where and how staff can support as we do for other committees/groups.
As it relates to the 100 best hikes, I do believe that we have all 100 in our routes/places database. If you believe a few are missing, please share that information with as that is something we would be happy to prioritize as our team has the time to add them.
If you do complete all 100 (of 25, 50, 75), don't forget you could qualify for one of our Seattle Best Hikes badges!