Need Indoor Meeting Activity Type for Routes/places
When submitting a new Route/Place request I’d like an Activity Type for meetings, lectures, and other indoor activities. I just need one so you pick the terminology that serves best. I asked for this before and was rejected because the PC’s understanding for our outing takes precedence over ours. Now I’ve run into the issue again and I reiterate that we have indoor activities, like lectures for our courses and we need a suitable activity type to classify them.
Thankfully, activity type is optional now, so we no longer need to describe a meeting room as an “urban adventure”. But the real need is to get a check box filter on “meeting” or “indoor gathering” or something like that in the Routes/Places search so that we can bring all of them up at once and see what’s available.
I’ve already had two volunteers give up on trying to add needed Route/Places because there wasn’t a suitable activity type. What’s the harm in adding one more for this type of activity and lessening the confusion amongst our volunteers?
We’ve added a field called “Common Uses” so we can search for venues suitable for lectures, meetings, field trips, “regular” trips, etc.
All routes/places default that had been previously entered will get the Trip as default but we can go in and add multiple uses. This will allow someone who is trying to schedule a meeting to simply search Routes/places by meeting/lecture use type.
When leaders go in and create new routes/places especially for places used for field trips and lectures and meetings we encourage these to be added to the type ahead field however we understand that most routes/places entered are for places we lead trips so this defaults to that and does not require you to fill out anything else in order to save leaders time when creating new R/Ps.
Nancy Lloyd commented
Thank you Tess, but this doesn't make much sense. What we need is a new "Find Activities" category under the "Explore" tab. Again, no existing category is appropriate for social activities such as potlucks, equipment sales, lectures, or general social activities. "Urban Adventure" is a bad title for such things. What is the problem with adding an activity category such as "Social" and allowing leaders to create locations? It appears that the programming staff may not understand what we really need.
Nancy Lloyd commented
I agree. It was a frustrating struggle to get our Branch's Used Gear Sale listed as an activity, and it ultimately failed. "Urban Adventure" is not an appropriate activity type, and nothing else fit. Without going into the negative details, my activity was changed without notification to me and it therefore remains inappropriately listed under Urban Adventures with no mention of it being a Used Gear Sale. Someone has to be curious enough to click it in order to find out what it is. So, we absolutely need a new activity type for this type of thing.
Dennis Miller commented
To be clear, currently Snohomish County *** does not have an Activity Type because none is no suitable. Lectures at Snohomish Count *** are classified as Scrambling. What I'm asking for short term is to add "Lecture" or "Indoor Meeting" or something like that as an Activity Type so that I can filter on that code to find meeting places when scheduling lectures. I would also designate the lecture as Scrambling and Lecture, so that it could be found by either filter.
Longer term, I don't think Activity Type is a very good designation for a Place and we'd be better served with a Place Type.
Dennis Miller commented
I want to add that it really doesn't make logical sense to classify a Place (or even a Route) by Activity Type. I mean different kinds of activities can be scheduled at the same place. When an activity gets scheduled, then Activity Type(s) get assigned to the activity. That makes sense and that is what you filter on in the Explore menu, not the Activity Type of the place. It makes more sense to classify places by Place Type. Then you might have a breakdown like: summit, trail, river, lake, meeting room, park, etc.
Great idea Dennis, this could allow leaders to pull up a bunch of facilities that would most likely have billing info and insurance already set up and make it easier for volunteers to therefore run the courses.