Filters at top of site search results do not work as expected GH3660
Enter text in site search bar in the header and hit enter. Results are shown with four buttons at top (Find Books, Find Events, Find Courses, Find Activities). Hit "Find Books" and the results are refreshed and show me things not related to what I searched for (not sticky to the search term I entered). Expected result is the search term result list is filtered to just books. See screenshots.
Improvements were made for Books search as part of website launch 4.5 in February.
Thank you for your patience and feedback.
The "Find..." buttons are meant to take you to the four faceted searches with a "clean slate." We do have a few options:
(1) I am not sure that we can have any searchable text or filters carried from the site search to the "Find..." button clicked, but it's worth investigating. It's at least a small project.
(2) Remove the buttons altogether. Probably monthly support.
(3) Add text that explains how the buttons work. Probably monthly support. This one gets my vote.
(Edited by admin) -
Laura Grange commented
Enter text in search bar and hit enter. Results are shown with four buttons at top (Find Books, Find Events, Find Courses, Find Activities). Hit "Find Books" and the results are refreshed and show me things not related to what I searched for (not sticky to the search term I entered). Expected result is the search term result list is filtered to just books. See screenshots.
Jeff Bowman commented
If I click on any of the three buttons, I am transported to a different kind of search for each button. But along the way, my search argument is lost and has to be re-entered on the new search page. It would be great if the search argument and filters would carry over to the next search.
Jeff Bowman commented
After clicking the magnifying glass, the "Find Activities" button is green and a different color from the other buttons. It gives the false impression we are looking at the results of an activity search. I think that button should be blue, just like the other two.
Another approach is to add some text that indicate these buttons take you to other searches.