Expired Youth Forms Notification
Youth forms expire every year. It would be super beneficial if there could be an email notification to families when the form(s) expire. Currently I have to go into every child's profile, check to see if their forms are current or expired, and then email each family that has a child with expired forms. This takes up a significant amount of time that I could be using to improve the curriculum and trips for our youth. Expired forms make it so the families can't sign up for trips; through observation, the families already have a hard enough time figuring out the website, so thinking to check to see if forms are expired is not generally on the top of their list.

We have added two youth information form expiration reminders!
- 30 days before the youth information form expires.
- 7 days before the youth information form expires.
We do not have the ability to send reminders about youth program forms.
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