Road and parking conditions at trailhead
This idea is to address via the Mountaineers website a forum or better way of organizing info on trailhead parking, access road conditions, and trail conditions, the concept would be to have an easy convenient way for trip leaders and/or participants (plus any Mountaineers member doing a private trip) to have a central location where they would post information on the status of the trailhead access road, and how much snow or mud there is on the trail, which is always a question mark during the Spring and early Summer.
Currently the only method I am aware of is to go to WTA and look for recent trip reports for a given location which is not difficult to do, but the detail on the road and trail conditions is hit or miss depending on the perspective of the person writing. There are a few WSDOT web locations to check status for a few forest roads, but finding them is not easy. Using prior year trip reports to guesstimate whether there would still be snow blocking the road is not very accurate given year to year fluctuation. Mountaineer trip reports are another source of info, but are less frequently posted, and often too old to be useful for this purpose.

Thanks for sharing your idea. We currently encourage our members to share trip reports after their trips, and they are prompted to report on things like trail and road conditions. All of our routes and places also link to the websites for local land managers, which often have the most updated information on these specific locations. We would love to see more trip reports on our website, and will continue to encourage our members to do so, and we encourage the use of the linked resources already available to assess conditions.