Favorites: Flag interest on an activity
I would like to see a feature in the website to let me flag to myself that I am interested in signing up for an activity, that I can return to with a filter and decide whether to sign up or let it slip. Personally, I would not care if my interest flags were visible to others.
This idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog: https://www.mountaineers.org/blog/new-technology-experience-manager-feedback-management-improvements
Gabrielle Orsi commented
I like this idea. Sort of like ebay.com's "watch list", where you mark items that you are considering?
Jeff Bowman commented
As a site user, allow me to choose to get an email the day before an activity, course or event opens so that I get a reminder to register for an activity or course for which I plan to register.
It would be ideal to add a checkbox along with "Send me an email reminder the day before this opens for registration." to the registration portlet where the the opening date is displayed. We're currently thinking a new role on the roster may be the best way to accomplish this.
Courtney McShane commented
There are so many great hikes, climbs, scrambles, activities that it's hard to decide what to choose on any weekend day.
Similar to Redfin house hunting, I recommend the option to "Favorite" an activity/course which gets added to a list of your favorites or "x-Out" which removes that activity from your view.
This way, a user wont have to screen shot, write down, or re-search for an activity which piqued their interest after scanning through the many options.