Allow summary text to wrap around the photo on the front page of a listing GH2886
Currently it often happens that some of the text of the summary for an event or seminar listing ends up covered by the photo. Can we make it possible for the text to wrap around the photo? It's very frustrating to have to go back and forth and tweak the summary text so that it isn't covered by the photo!

With the moving of the registration portlet to below the image (a while ago), text wraps around the image now.
Please do remember that images should be at least 400 pixels on one side (landscape or portrait orientation does not matter). And summaries should be very short, no more than three sentences. See our Publications Style Guide,, for more info.
OK, I see what's going on. The registration portlet for courses and activities is supposed to overlap the image at upper right of the details page a bit. When the image is not big enough for this to happen, wonky things can happen with the summary. I've never really liked this design, so this is a good reason to improve it. It will take some time, but I'll have the image and portlet separated like we do for Routes & Places and be sure that the title, summary, and details flow with in their respective content wells.
And do remember that images should be at least 400 pixels on one side (landscape or portrait orientation does not matter). And summaries should be very short, no more than three sentences. See our Publications Style Guide,, for more info.