Make Incomplete fields on youth form easier to see GH2332
Make it easier to see incomplete fields on the youth forms. Right now the pinkish/red color is a bit too light making it hard for parents to complete the forms fully.

You’ll now see a red exclamation point at the right side of the form. These will disappear after saving the form for fields that were completed.
[from David/developer]
Browsers don't give us much control over how inputs are rendered, especially checkboxes and radio buttons. And certainly not consistently across browsers.Two ideas:
Show an icon and/or little message floating on the right that says something like "hey! there's a field to fill out here!"
Show a message at the top that says "You still need to fill out these fields:" followed by a list that links to the specific fields. Obviously we don't want it to show if you haven't filled out most of the form though. -
[from summercamp] This was a case for yellow or red highlighted boxes-- It took me at least 2 go throughs to find the missing pieces. It is like a treasure hunt!
from [Nicole]
I spent a considerable amount of time filling out online forms tonight in the hopes to get my kids registered for the camp in Seattle the week of July 10. I'm having some troubles with the youth form (apparently I must be missing a step because it keeps sending me back to fill it out before I can complete registration). I have a 6 yo daughter and 9 yo son who would like to participate. -
[from Josh] I think shading the inside of the box is a good idea if you can’t make the red darker/thicker.
[from Danielle] I think having the missing pieces highlighted in red or yellow would be great! I just went through this with a family; the missing piece was outlined with the faintest pink outline. Otherwise, as the user I am focusing on the required information red boxes rather than the alerted pink outlines.