Improve Incident Reporting GH824
Incident reporting appears as just an embedded email link in the trip report
when a leader closes an activity. Its output are the emails that appear
from those trip leaders sending the email. That makes it harder for the
Safety Officer to identify and group them in mail. Basic metadata like
which branch this pertains to is not appended in the body. That makes it
hard to determine who is accountable for follow up. It would be really nice
if we could re-institute a form that writes to the DB and generates an email
FROM a single incident reporting address and contains the metadata from the
trip entry. Logging it in the DB will make it easier for audit reporting.
Here's a screenshot of what appears to the trip leader when closing out the
activity. This is pretty easy to miss. IMO, we've taken a big step back in
our tools for incident reporting and the process to gather this business
intelligence with the new website UX.
Completed Nov 2014.