Display dates of Submitted Leader Applications
The new Submitted Last Application page is very helpful. Thanks.
It would be very helpful to include the application date in the information shown to volunteers. Currently, for example, there are almost 200 Hike-Backpack Leader Applicates dating back about 5 years, but they are all displayed in a single very large last that shows only the applicant names. It's possible to learn the date of an application by clicking it a noting the timestamp in the URL, but many volunteers are not sufficiently tech-savvy to do that, and it's necessary to click on each application individually in order to see the date.
Specifically, it would help of the dates were exposed in the following places.
1) As a column in the data-file.csv file.
2) As a value in the text-format rendering of each request
3) As a separator in the long list of applications displayed by clicking the "Submitted Forms" button. This list used to be grouped by year/month, which was very helpful. Bringing back that functionality would do the trick.

Completed Sep 2022.
- Added "Date Submitted" field to application forms and set its default to today's date. This data will be available to forms submitted from now on.
- Changed "Submitted Forms" buttons/links to be the folder contents view which has a "Last Modified Date" column, as close as we can get o s submitted date for the submitted forms folder.
David: I tested all the links before posting this was complete and just spot-checked a few of them logged into a committee administrator profile. They are working as expected. Please try clearing your browser's cache and try again. You may also want to log out and log back in. Please let me know if they are still not working for you. Thanks!
David Bradley commented
Thanks, Jeff. Unfortunately all the links are broken now. Clicking on any of the buttons labelled "Submitted Forms" returns "Insufficient Privileges", and clicking on any of the buttons labelled "Data File" returns "This page does not seem to exist...". See attached annotated screenshot.