Feedback Load Speed Issues for Committee Admins GH3610
When the committee admins use the "View Committee Feedback” button, but when they click it, it is often slow to respond or returns a timeout error.

Completed Nov 2021.
The biggest issue here was the amount of feedback to aggregate. We defaulted to “Lifetime” which is all the data. Here is what we fixed and how we recommend using committee/leader feedback:
- Set the default to the “Last 12 Months” filter so it loads albeit a little slowly.
- Moved the "Lifetime" filter to the bottom. Be sure to only use it in combination with either a leader filter or a course template filter. Those are typically small enough data sets to not cause a timeout.
- Replaced the date filter widgets with the more modern version, and one that actually works.
It’s lot of work to improve the load time for “Lifetime” and we need to upgrade the forms we use for feedback, so we’ll tackle this later with the upgrade.