Additional Roles for Course Rosters
For Course rosters people can be associated with one of a hard-coded list of roles and can be advertised as a public contact for the course in that role. We are proposing that the list of roles be extended to better support current common practices. Specifically, we propose adding the following roles:
Assistant Leader
Content Manager
The Co-leader and Assistant Leader roles are self explanatory. Larger courses may want to show multiple leaders as public contacts but still be able to identify a single person as the primary leader.
The Content Manager is the person who manages registration and other data for the course. This role has been common in the Mountaineers for years, but the website currently associates it with the committee roster instead of a course roster. Adding this role at the course level will allow the Content Manager to be listed as a public contact for the course (which is where most students will look), and will allow programs that offer multiple courses to have different Content Managers for different courses if they choose. (Note that due to COVID-19 some programs are offering multiple instances of the same course - the "cohort model" - to keep group sizes small, so the number of programs that offer multiple courses is increasing.)

This idea is moving to proposed. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
David Bradley commented
Pinging this suggestion in response to yesterday's update to the COVID guidance.
Starting later this month every class that has a required indoor activity must verify the vaccination records of all participants. That's a positive step but one that creates an additional administrative burden for a lot of courses. Some of those courses, at least the larger ones, are likely to designate someone to be in charge of keeping track of the vaccination records for all the students. It would be helpful to be able to clearly identify that person by assigning them the role of "Content Manager" or similar.
Currently the only two non-student roles for a course are "Leader" and "Instructor". That's not sufficient to capture the various leadership and administrative roles of large courses.
Dante Di Tommaso commented
I agree that these are helpful distinctions for the organizers, but question from the participant's perspective - which is perhaps best served by having a clear single point of contact. I may be missing the point?