Show member/nonmember status on rosters
For courses/events that generate income, it would be helpful to the committee leadership if we could tell if a registered person is a member or nonmember when we look at the detailed roster. The reason...fee structure is different and we can more easily figure out how much income was generated without having to have staff pull the info for us (when they are already very busy).
It would also be helpful for activity leaders to know who the guests are (so we can talk more about the Mountaineers/other committees and entice them to join).

On event and course rosters it is possible to see membership status and who is a guest under the "membership status" column or the ". However, activities do not show this information. Adding this to the activity roster is possible and will be considered for prioritization if 1) it gains additional following or 2) can easily be added to a prioritized roster change request. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Kristina Ciari Tursi commented
Can we add a membership status column to Team Rosters for Events and Activities (probably don't need for courses)? This will help our volunteers track, especially with events, who is a member and who is not.