Create online credit card intake form for credit cards for all rental clients
Hey Jeff,
I'm putting this here to request we make an online form that will allow our rental clients to submit credit card information and to authorize we charge their card for rental deposits and final payments. This eventually needs to be a broader conversation with Gabriella and Barbara because they actual do the charging and I collect the information.
- Reduced time in playing phone tag with clients.
Better experience with clients and faster turn-around time between inquery/booking/deposit/final payment
Easier to require CC information to be kept on file for deliquent charges or additional costs. It can often take weeks for some clients to send us a check or they can take a long time calling me back with CC information. I'd like to require we always have a CC on file.
Reduced paper use.
Changing from DECLINED to CLOSED to follow the improved and streamlined feedback status options: