Add a Calendar View of the My Activities Page SD411
As a logged in member or guest, allow me choose a calendar view/display of the My Activities page where I can see all of my activities on a calendar and subscribe to an iCal feed of my activities and events so that I can better manage my schedule.
Ideally we'd continue to have one My Activities page and add "buttons" to toggle between the "List" and "Calendar" views, even though they may be two different pages/links.

This idea is moving to priority. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:
Mihai Codoban commented
This would save me a lot of time having to manually transcribe events into my google calendar.
Chris Finley commented
An iCal link for a person's activities page similar to the one on the events and calendars page would be really helpful, even if it only included the current day and future activities. The manual synchronizing trips and course dates is inaccurate and time consuming.
Ryan McGregor commented
Do we have any news on this? I am starting to realize as I am canceling a scramble due to scheduling overlap how much easier scheduling things in my personal/professional/Mountaineers life would be if I could see My activities in a calendar format.
That, and being able to import it as a calendar overlay via an ics feed as we can with every other calendar.
Thank you!
Tom Unger commented
I would appreciate an iCal feed I can subscribe to so that my mountaineer events automatically appear in my calendar. Links to the activities will be especially helpful.
My first thought about a web-site calendar is that it will be too slow and awkward to use.
Dave Gertsen commented
When I sign up for an event on Meetup site, I get an option to add this event to my calendar directly from the event page. I would love to have same option on Mountaineer’s site
Scott Shively commented
Add the ability to download activity details to personal calendars, such as Google Calendar, Outlook or other apps to aid in keeping track of activities.
Dilek Bulut commented
It would be a great time saver to receive the iCal/Google/Outlook files in the confirmation emails.
We already have this for events. Look for the iCal links on events and calendars.
Courses last for many days or months and must have activities associated with them, so we really don't need this for courses.
Anita Elder commented
When we register for an activity, event, or course, it would be really nice if we could then add it to our Google calendar (like you can when you register for something on EventBrite). Maybe there could be a setting in our profile that will automatically add things we sign up for (or lead)? That's how it works on