Setting the default role for RSVP's to an event as "volunteers" when appropriate GH2022
Some committees put their meetings on the calendars and people who RSVP are clearly committee volunteers, not "participants." If we could identify which types of events to do this with, it would more accurately capture our volunteer's efforts to default to the role of "volunteer" rather than "participant" when people RSVP to these types of events.

Nov 2016
Lisa Johnson commented
This is a great idea. I should be able to self-select my role when I'm attending an event or committee meeting if I'm helping out—"volunteer" instead of "participant." The feature is available to the event leader when editing the roster, but why not make it available as a self-select radio button option someone chooses when they sign up? The the event leader can edit the status later if necessary. This would definitely give more visibility to our volunteers.
Russ Immel commented
Good idea. The default Role category for meetings and events is "Participant," when in reality committee members do much more. In most cases, they are asked to volunteer and staff committee-related events but are listed as a "Participant" of such event, as reflected in the event Role category and in their activity list, instead of as a "Volunteer." The event leader can edit the role and change it to "Volunteer," but 99% do not bother with it or are even aware. Ideally, members should be able to RSVP to an event or committee meeting as a "Volunteer" instead of a "Participant," if they are actually signing up to help at the event or involved in committee work.